Example sentences of "[pron] as [pron] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 And finally er as I as I make the point in my in my written statement , there are going to be exceptions , exceptions are part of the the game .
2 And I as I understand the County Council 's justification , it is that this was what the Secretary of State changed it to in nineteen eighty seven .
3 Karl tucked Erika 's arm under his as they crossed the bridge over the green , splintered ice of the Spree which formed a chill moat around the great museums , by the great dome of the Protestant Cathedral , and on to the broad stretch of Unter den Linden .
4 Joe tucked Maureen 's arm under his as they left the house .
5 Abandoning herself to the overpowering intoxication of his embrace , she parted her lips beneath his as he ravished the inner sweetness of her mouth .
6 Madeleine was still very young , Harry told himself as they drove the next ten miles in silence .
7 ‘ But I ca n't help ‘ fretting ’ about it , ’ Mungo said to himself as he re-crossed the yard .
8 A loud knocking on the wicket-gate made Jack start and he muttered to himself as he left the office and walked across the cobbled yard .
9 He unwound his Uzi , readying it one-handed as he used the other to support himself as he rounded the corner .
10 It had been enough to set Freddie 's agile mind working , and he grinned expectantly to himself as he heard the watchman 's voice .
11 He was looking pleased with himself as he dragged the table to the side of the room to make space to work in .
12 He smiled smugly to himself as he raised the bet by fifty pounds .
13 Now , he asked himself as he chewed the bread , do I always do it like that ?
14 Even the weather 's become a bloody coalition , George grumbled to himself as he watched the politicians edging in front of the TV cameras and the civil servants edging away .
15 At the moment the crafty totter had other , more profitable things to think about and he whistled to himself as he gave the cabinet yet another coat of wax .
16 He nodded to himself as he climbed the stairs , wondering what he 'd helped with .
17 The visiting General smiles to himself as he watches the patrol reacting to an imaginary enemy ambush .
18 It 's a good job Peggie 's not here , he told himself as he sipped the tea .
19 He brought his horse alongside theirs as they rounded the corner and the dark green spire of Godstowe Priory came into sight .
20 They 'd lie on you as you lifted the leg : a town horse seemed double the weight of a country horse just because it were leg-weary .
21 A study of books published in America about public relations will prove very useful to you as you consider the direction your career in public relations might take in the longer term .
22 Grand chandeliers and marble floors , gilt mirrors and woven wall-hangings greet you as you enter the airy Hotel Savoy and these set the tone for a traditional hotel of classic style .
23 ‘ God Bless You As You Leave the Town of Easky ’ , a sign proclaimed .
24 He had a blow torch Mum you as he opened the door and the blow torch flicked off something .
25 Indeed , we see little of their grandeur from the line itself as we cross the Wharncliffe Viaduct on the Great Western Railway , or the beautiful bridge over the Thames at Maidenhead , and plunge into the Classical-Renaissance portal of Box Tunnel ; or as we traverse the great Tring cutting on the old London and North Western .
26 Something else , something as he passed the door of the Volvo to climb into the boot .
27 They could hear his footsteps across the gangplank , then a heavier one as he dropped the eighteen inch gap on to Grace 's deck .
28 Besides , she was ultimately responsible to Liz for the twins ' welfare , Laura firmly reminded herself as they mounted the wide steps up to the front door of Lady Wyndham 's house .
29 She could have kicked herself as she added the last bit .
30 Carefully stripping off her clothes so as not to jar her ankle , she sat before the fire , softly humming to herself as she savoured the delight of clean skin .
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