Example sentences of "[pron] had never [vb pp] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't think I had ever watched the dawn break until my Waaf days — certainly I had never stayed up all night before , and however many times I had to do it in the course of my duties , it always seemed to me a highly unnatural procedure .
2 Julie and I had never fallen out before , and Barbie had always been like a big sister to me , too .
3 I had never knelt down in front of anyone .
4 ‘ And what if I had never shown up here ?
5 She had never gone back to the beach .
6 But the tragedy is she could have known those blessings all through those years , if she had never left if she had never gone down to Moab .
7 She wondered what his lectures were like , but she had never taken up his invitation to come to CCNY and listen .
8 Once for something she had never found out about .
9 Admittedly she had never got around to telling him that the invitation was off .
10 Listening to them , Folly realised that she had never got around to asking Luke what he had been doing at Lexy 's flat the night before .
11 Sam had had something similar in Italy , although she had never worked out what the precise ingredients were .
12 The most effective operations against the Japanese were launched by the Karens of the border hills who had never given up , awaiting the British return .
13 I wanted her , at my convenience , to become a nurturing Mother Earth figure who would take care of my when I felt unable to cope , and the little girl who had never grown up was crying out for help and approval .
14 Because everybody was treated equally at the start of their Legion service , Mike , who had learnt his killing in the bush war in Rhodesia , was treated the same as a South Vietnamese man who had never put on a uniform in his life .
15 We resumed conversation almost as if we had never left off .
16 ‘ I wish we had never come back to this house .
17 So , in the winter evenings , they would draw the curtains and watch The Sound of Music or Bridge over the River Kwai and feel as though they had never moved out of Twickenham .
18 Richie dialled the number he had never written down but always carried in his memory .
19 When Bovet won the prize it was noted that he had never taken out a patent in his own name or sought to make a penny from the commercial expoitation of his research .
20 There was , Henry felt , something rather unsavoury about Maltby. perhaps that was why he had never worked up the notes he had made on the case .
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