Example sentences of "[pron] had give [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Maureen said : ‘ I did n't think about them again until that psychic woman asked for them , but it was only after I had given them to her I realized they were n't his at all .
2 I had given them to Menna when he first left to take up his post .
3 The Supreme Court , in a seven to one vote on Sept. 10 , declined to suspend the impeachment proceedings but gave Collor until Sept 22 to prepare his defence before the Chamber of Deputies , which had given him until Sept. 15 to address it .
4 How , then , could the government explain why he came to be in possession of a genuine birth certificate for a non-existent person without embarrassing the CIA , which had given it to him in the first place ?
5 She had given it with affection , but would have been forced — by custom , by law , and by John-William 's iron will — to give it anyway .
6 Had n't he understood that she had given herself to him for the only reason that made any sense to her .
7 She had to give it at least one more try .
8 I was a war baby and a shame to my birth-dead mother who had given herself to the last-time-leave blandishments of my faceless father .
9 If the Council 's Temporary Press Officer , who had been appointed solely to deal with the alleged child abuse controversy , had been given such confidential information , she said , they wanted to know who had given it to him .
10 I found it folded in a corner , still heavy with the perfume of the Sheikha who had given it to me .
11 Well , you had to give it to the kid for determination .
12 Christine paused most meaningfully … ‘ she said as you had given it to her , sir .
13 They 'll say ah , if you have stable off , we had to give it to them you see .
14 Accordingly , at the time of the accident the deceased was a lawful visitor on the premises , since the brewery had not given the deceased any indication that the permission they had given him to be on the premises expired at 10.30 p.m .
15 He retained an affection for Paris and a gratitude for the intellectual advantages that it had given him to which he later referred as pope .
16 Now the name was not a famous one , the cloth merchant having lived his life in the comparative obscurity common to most of us , and my patient had never before visited that part of the country — and yet the details he unearthed coincided perfectly with the facts he had given me during his regression .
17 Before they left , Gallardo shook Valenzuela 's hand and thanked him for the cigarettes he had given him in captivity .
18 Because er , he he he had given them of of how he had become a Christian , he had become a minister of Jesus Christ and so on , he says , for this reason I suffer these things , but I am not ashamed , for I know whom I have believed .
19 Several women friends of Waddell said that he had given them within days of the murder large sums of money ; and a barman to whom Waddell had given £1000 for safe keeping said Waddell had told him he had won a packet on the horses .
20 And what he was saying seemed to be in direct conflict to the hurtful reasons for their marriage he had given her on the drawbridge yesterday .
21 He snatched his furniture from the house and dumped it on a tip , then took the car which he had given her as a present away for scrap .
22 She recalled the swift bruising kiss he had given her in the restaurant .
23 Not a gentle kiss , nor yet as punishing as the last one he had given her in her room , but it was urgent and demanding and was all the encouragement she needed .
24 Remembering the kiss he had given her after breakfast it seemed as if their relationship might at long last have changed .
25 He had given it to his youngest daughter , Margaret , when she trained as a nurse at Benedict 's just after the last World War .
26 All that he had to give her with his mind and body was sucked out of him into her .
27 ‘ And he did n't know what had given it to you … ’
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