Example sentences of "[pron] had be [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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31 In doing so I like to think that we had been good ambassadors for the Department ; I know we all enjoyed every minute of the three hectic months .
32 The driver seemed as concerned to show off his excessive acceleration as if we had been prospective buyers and he a salesman .
33 The last time we had met , and that was fifteen or sixteen years before , we had been thirteen years old .
34 We had been eight weeks in basic training and even in the most placid of us the qualities of self preservation and selfishness were coming to the surface .
35 There had been unsuccessful attempts even further south ; the unfortunate Raleigh got himself out of the Tower by promising to find James 1 a supply of gold in Guiana , but he found no gold and he irritated the Spanish so much that they pushed James into having him executed in 1618 on the 1604 charge of treason .
36 But there had been unsuccessful sides in the past that had been packed with outstanding individuals who had not coalesced , or been moulded , into a good team .
37 There had been other setbacks .
38 At times there had been other options .
39 He asked whether there had been other policemen in the forest .
40 There had been other stresses too , and we felt that our first job was one of reassurance .
41 Prior to Dinh 's visit there had been other indications that relations were improving ; the Vietnamese , for instance , had allowed the family of top-level Vietnamese defector Hoang Van Hoan to visit him in Beijing [ see p. 29876 for Hoan 's defection in 1979 ] .
42 There had been other collapses , there were little ones all the time , and big ones too like the ‘ Tim and Teddy ’ shops ' rapid demise ( which had been simply because of their slovenly accounting ) , but Rose had a special place .
43 There had been two areas of particular difficulty .
44 As already noted , until about twelve months earlier , there had been two routes numbered 6 meeting at Mitcham .
45 He identified that robbery as occurring at Hainault ( where there had been two robberies ) .
46 The first two chapters of Moses and Monotheism were first published as articles in Imago ( 1937 and 1938 ) , and sought to establish , in purely historical terms , that there had been two figures with the name ‘ Moses ’ in Jewish development .
47 There had been two letters that year .
48 Meanwhile , it seems that there had been two successors in Stockport .
49 But by that time there had been two centuries of strife between Empire and Papacy and the Empire no longer had any special connection to the City of Rome .
50 On April 29 a church was stoned in Imbabah , another working-class suburb of Cairo and one in which there had been two days of violence by Moslem extremists against Christian churches and shops on Sept. 20-22 , 1991 .
51 There had been two schools of librarianship at Loughborough .
52 Over the entire period , there were twenty-two cases of under-25 leukaemia , when only eleven would be expected , and in one critical period — from 1964 to 1978 — there had been fifteen cases where six would have been normal .
53 There had been fifteen men in the compartment of the train trying to endure the rattling movement on the rails .
54 Among soldiers , policemen and civilians there had been 267 deaths in the same period as a result of " terrorist incidents " .
55 In Latin America , in North and South Africa , in some parts of Asia , and in the Australasian colonies , there had been tentative beginnings to railway-building in the middle of the century , but the great explosion of lines was not to come until its last decade .
56 Moreover , there had been six votes against the resolution and thirteen abstentions .
57 That was not impossible , for there had been six months between the X-rays , in which case The tumour could have already been on the way down when it was spotted .
58 Over the years there had been many tributes to her beauty and her dancing , but the one I particularly treasure appeared only recently .
59 She still had the pearls , but there had been many tears since she first wore them .
60 In Surere 's province , there had been many transgressions , despite the loss of privilege which was the only punishment he had dared impose , though there were rumours that in some cases he would have preferred to apply the death penalty .
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