Example sentences of "[pron] had not [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 That 's about all I can tell you about that , but er it makes you wonder whether I had n't better keep out of Street , does n't it ?
2 I hoped Doone would net him soon , but I had n't much faith .
3 I agreed ; I had n't much choice .
4 Well I had n't much choice have I ?
5 I had n't enough money to get there by conventional means but no matter .
6 But I had n't any choice .
7 I had n't any LM so gave Mill 6C which stopped the haemorrhaging but led to such severe abdominal pains the GP was called .
8 I had n't any idea you would call yourself a humanist . ’
9 I had n't any idea what he was talking about but I listened attentively to his description of lands I had never imagined , with their dark green forests , snowy slopes and frozen lakes .
10 I had n't any idea !
11 ‘ But I found that I had n't any money with me , so I came along here instead . ’
12 I mean I had n't any worries .
13 Since he made swiftly towards the forest , I had not much option but to follow .
14 I replied rather coldly that I had not drunk alcohol since 1939 , and that it had been my hope that we should stop somewhere where I could wash up generally , relieve myself and have a little rest .
15 As the clouds of imminent civil war gathered , Pelham hastened back to Hull where he later wrote : ‘ I kept the King out of Hull when he came in person ( although I had not such instructions from the House ) — where was a very great magazine in which I suppose I saved the State above £100,000 …
16 Maggie went across to him quickly , trying hard to think of something to take his mind off his sister 's minor crime , but she had n't much chance of that .
17 She had n't much stomach for torn flesh or pecked eyes streaming blood .
18 Short of making an embarrassing scene , she had n't much option .
19 She had n't last time I , cos we were talking about er when I say talking I do n't mean nastily but the last time I saw Janet I asked after Wendy and she said she was still working and enjoying her job and the children were growing up and she did n't mention any other children so cos her husband works away a lot of the year does n't he ?
20 She did n't look much like my idea of a prostitute either , but that was because she had n't any make-up on .
21 ‘ The single ? ’ he 'd said , knowing that she had n't any money .
22 Rosie … well , she had n't any money , had she ?
23 No , she had n't any friends , because he would n't like it .
24 At the time when Shanti was preoccupied with the subject of identity , she expressed the thought that she had n't any choice in the matter : we had taken her whether she liked it or not .
25 She knew she had n't any choice anyhow but to agree .
26 The apartment had been cleared by his men , and she had n't any family in town .
27 And she did not even want to see , she thought , she had not enough interest to see round the place to which she was so anxious to consign her mother .
28 Rufus , who had n't much appreciation of nature usually , nevertheless found himself gazing in something like wonderment at all the roses , yellow and pink and apricot and dark red , a hedge of white ones , a cascade of peach-red that covered a pergola .
29 Rose , who had n't any recollection of the Leesons , had been surprised by Jane Leeson 's expression when she had walked into the shop .
30 In the act of conducting you made such inward exertions that you had not enough energy left to watch over the outward appearance .
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