Example sentences of "[pron] had [verb] [adv] of " in BNC.

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1 The name of Carl August of Saxe-Weimar figured largely , but I had heard neither of him nor of it .
2 I had expected better of you . ’
3 I had set a fashion but now I had to keep ahead of it , had to keep people wondering what I would wear next .
4 Pressed against Masha 's raincoated buxomness , I wondered at how unaccountably desire had all but vanished — though I had dreamed often of our reunion .
5 She had spoken affectionately of them and shown Lou a postcard from Italy where they were spending a holiday .
6 Next door , an old woman in her seventies read aloud to her ninety-two-year-old mother , as she had read aloud of an evening for decades ; their house had not been renovated , it belonged to another age .
7 She had to think only of the next few hours .
8 She had thought longingly of the candle left behind in Guy 's chamber , but had known better than to mention it .
9 When she had packed her bag at Betterhouse Vicarage on Friday morning , she had thought only of the holiday she had so badly needed .
10 ‘ Do n't you know who I am ? ’ she had demanded imperiously of a recently conscripted Bengali .
11 In Cairo , exhausted by the traumas of recent weeks , she had been concerned not only about the Shah and his morale , but also about their four children who had gone ahead of them to the states .
12 He was a man of strong ambition and had a doubtful reputation as an intriguer , but he was an able man who had deserved better of his party .
13 The rescript is of great utility in ensuring that the honour of a happily concluded marriage and indeed the faith of common children should not deceive a father who had thought better of the mother : therefore the emperor , most provident and most devoted to the cause of law , when he observed that the words of a trust were lacking , ruled by rescript that this expression should be treated as a trust .
14 I just wish that we had done more of it sooner .
15 They had gone ahead of their Australian guide and he did not have a chance to warn them the creature — usually docile — lived there .
16 Camille accused herself of lack of foresight and rapidly made up a yarn whereby they had thought better of the dinner-party and had spent the evening playing Monopoly at Tim 's place in a blameless fashion .
17 They had talked openly of their respective marital difficulties at Sandringham last Christmas , although the Duchess insists that they did not make a pact by which they would both end their marriages this year . ’
18 Change was unstoppable and they had to stay ahead of the game .
19 Although throughout the preceding century case law decisions had narrowed its scope and denied its extension to any trade not in being at the time of its passage , it had remained nevertheless of great importance as a legitimating symbol of skilled labour 's " rights " .
20 He had risen ahead of her and was standing by the door now , pulling it open , inviting her to leave .
21 He had hinted darkly of rumours of police incompetence and attempts to smother establishment scandal .
22 There was much disenchantment with the policies of the past ; he had won by a landslide in the Electoral College ; his party controlled the Senate ; he had run ahead of quite a few southern Democrats in the House and he was clearly an exceptional performer on television .
23 Geoffrey said he had complained earlier of toothache .
24 He had done all of that , and she would always stand by him because of it .
25 He 'd looked around that shabby dwelling and smelled the poverty which he had vowed to help alleviate in his dedicated youth , and to his shame he had thought only of escaping from the fleas he might have picked up from that terrible straw mattress .
26 When a twelfth-century knight rode into a tournament or into battle he hoped to be worthy either of his lineage or of his lady ; earlier he had thought only of his ancestors .
27 He winked at me and then scowled as though he had thought better of it .
28 Lord Lovat attempted , without success , to replace one of his clansmen in his office of land waiter after he had been removed by the commissioners , without investigation , following a complaint that he had spoken disrespectfully of a supervisor .
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