Example sentences of "[pron] had [not/n't] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I had not at that time met any Americans but the sight of them prowling through what was now my favourite town , talking in their unfamiliar accents to anyone who would listen , rubbed me up the wrong way .
2 I had not at that time ever been to India .
3 Smith has been dismissed as ‘ presence of mind Smith ’ from his alleged remark on returning without his companion from a disastrous outing on the river : ‘ If I had not with great presence of mind hit him on the head with a boathook both would have been drowned , ’ but the story comes from Reminiscences of Oxford ( 1st edn. 1900 ) by William Tuckwell , who in his second edition ( 1907 ) consigned it to oblivion ; moreover , there was no charge of murder .
4 I had not in those days looked at the real aspects of the drink question — had not seen the responsibility that rests on each one to be guiltless in regard to that which is sapping our country of some of its brightest intellects , and killing numbers of her sons possessed of generous impulsive natures .
5 She had not at all looked forward to being a débutante and wearing fancy women 's clothes , and not being allowed to climb trees , and accompany Papa , who always , said her mama despairingly , let her do exactly as she pleased .
6 She had not at first taken it seriously .
7 In her girls ' school , it was a bit like joining a club — " girls who had on this side , and girls who had n't on that side " .
8 It 's like , girls who had on that side , and girls who had n't on that side , — can I join , kind of thing .
9 These two are in a very small minority of black sportsmen who had not at some stage faced the distressing realization that they were black and so they were different and that difference could significantly limit their chances of access to the kind of resources available to others , prestige , affluence , esteem in the eyes of others .
10 Nicolo was there , standing just where Bob Calder had indicated , the only person who had not in any way acknowledged her presence .
11 The turmoil inside her had not by any means subsided and she put her hand to her lips , testing the surface carefully .
12 For if that sudden drift of snow in the air a few minutes ago had seemed romantic to the young bride — or the bride 's mother — it had not in any way pleased Cara .
13 What he saw would n't change Wellington 's thinking : it had n't in fifty years , so why should it now ?
14 He had not for one minute , he said , imagined this could happen and they had even planned to move to Mexico where he was in the process of renovating a house for them ; the bedrooms were complete and he had made a nursery for Michelle 's daughter , China , never to be occupied .
15 He had not at that time known that specific request for permission to shoot at Yugoslavs in support of Military Government had come from Gen Keightley at 5 Corps in Austria .
16 And as he had n't at first referred to the wedding-dress , last night or until they 'd reached the spinney that morning , so he did n't refer now to the fantasies of Timothy Gedge that were turning out not to be fantasies at all .
17 But there was a purpose and he was reminded of it , a purpose which seemed to Mr Dass to be so petty that he had n't at first been able to take it seriously .
18 St Ives said it was a mercy he had n't after all approached Meredith and asked him to give her the push .
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