Example sentences of "[pron] had [adv] [vb pp] i " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Much as I admired Bob Payton and his unequivocal standards , I had also felt I was in too important a position .
2 I had just decided I was managing very well — there 's nothing to this after all — when something went pop .
3 I remember trying to help one of the sisters dress a badly wounded back — something I had never thought I could do .
4 His face had lost its boyish roundness , and there was the debated moustache — I had always said I did n't fancy him with one — quite splendid , and at once my prejudice vanished .
5 Now I had always supposed I had travelled very little , restricted as I am by my responsibilities in the house , but of course , over time , one does make various excursions for one professional reason or another , and it would seem I have become much more acquainted with those neighbouring districts than I had realized .
6 I had only pretended I did n't know , preferring to see things as I would like them to be , rather than as they were , imprisoning myself in a ramshackle edifice of lies because I could n't bear to knock it down and start again , shivering and alone in a great expanse of sand .
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