Example sentences of "[pron] had [adv] [verb] of " in BNC.

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1 For I had also told of the lives of those who now lived on or near those lands .
2 One day when we were vacationing in Santa Fe in 1943 my daughter , Jennifer , who was then 3 , asked me why she could not see the picture I had just taken of her .
3 I had never heard of it before , but it was certainly something that I would look out for in the future with much apprehension .
4 In my ignorance , I had never heard of this extraordinary saga , and I did indeed spend some absorbing time in the church learning something about it .
5 I had never heard of the area when I met a teacher from there in 1973 but we became friends and I started to visit .
6 My letters were now addressed not from the Middle East Forces , but from the British North African Forces and , moreover , headed 137/166 Newfoundland Regiment , R.A. This quite confused me for I had never heard of Canadians in North Africa — even though I knew that Newfoundland was not really Canada .
7 I had never heard of river engineers until one morning a very harassed engineer rang to ask me to persuade the lady in question not to tie herself to the ancient pollard which he intended to fell .
8 A recent ( excellent ) paper by Frank Sulloway in the Galapagos symposium at the Linnean society in December was also in part devoted to demolishing myths which I had never heard of .
9 I had never heard of otter hunting and it did n't occur to me that there might be such a sport .
10 I had never heard of alternative comedy and I have to confess I did n't know some of my co-stars , like Rik Mayall and Julian Clary .
11 Some of the words he used I had never heard of — and I am not unfamiliar with words — but he savoured them , rolled them over his tongue and finally ejected them into his speech with a delight at their novelty , their colour and their music .
12 I have to admit I had never heard of Hannah Hauxwell well , you see , I do not possess a television set .
13 Previously I had never heard of Waugh , nor of Decline and Fall and Vile Bodies , novels with which he had made his name .
14 ‘ When we started to rehearse , I had never heard of this slim , fair , rather shy person , ’ he recalled .
15 Tobin : I had never heard of this guy .
16 Now up to that moment I had never heard of John Searby , one of Gibson 's flight commanders , and he did not appear on " Cocky's ' list .
17 I had never heard of anything like it .
18 I had never heard of this before , and you can imagine the complaints from customers , we could only tell them once the police had told us .
19 He was like just being an adviser , he was n't like trying to design it , and I looked at it all for a long time and I said Bembo , which I had never heard of .
20 I had never dreamed of such a thing .
21 I could only be glad that I had never spoken of my plan to Joe , when he was looking after me .
22 Asked if any tribes he admires would allow the kind of eccentricity the English tribe had allowed him , he said ‘ I had never thought of that ’ .
23 I felt betrayed ; I had never thought of all my friends noticing my weight , and that they had all been thinking of me as a fat person .
24 ‘ I suppose you could say that , but I had never thought of it in those terms .
25 That was the first time I was conscious that before the apocalypse I had never thought of visualising anywhere but in my stomach .
26 " I had never thought of you as a philanthropist . "
27 I had never thought of him like that before . ’
28 I had always dreamed of living in the country .
29 I should explain that I never once thought that he should ‘ give way to me ’ — as Nonni said he should — because I was ill ; only because , as I told him , I had always thought of him as ‘ a reasonable human being with some pretensions to morality ’ .
30 When I actually began to realize that there were advantages to being gay , that changed my whole attitude — up till then I had always thought of it as something to be sorry for , to apologize for .
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