Example sentences of "[pron] they [be] [verb] is " in BNC.

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1 The musical needs of parishes and congregations differ from place to place , and the way in which they are met is determined largely by the resources available .
2 The process involved is known as diapirism , and diapirs rise because the hot rock of which they are composed is less dense than the cooler surrounding country rock .
3 Their actual meaning is unclear because the definition of the population on which they are based is ambiguous .
4 On the other hand , the nature of the ‘ common bond ’ on which they are based is such that members and potential members of a credit union can become aware of the cost advantages in the normal course of their day-to-day contact with friends , neighbours or workmates .
5 The list from which they are selected is held on a small computer on the second floor of the drab grey Cabinet Office building in Whitehall .
6 Assuming it to be out there somewhere they have joined forces with the Utopians and Marxists and missed the fact that the spiritual galaxy for which they are searching is like the Milky Way .
7 Loss of earnings and career prospects can be a serious matter for someone who knows that she is going to have to support herself for many years after her parents have gone ; and unless the home in which they are living is owned by them , and left to her in their will , she is also going to have to provide accommodation for herself when they die .
8 But what is more important than anything else is that they should not be treated as packages and removed from one place to another and back again because the grown-ups are involved in a dispute and have overlooked that children have rights , and that children 's rights are to remain somewhere until after calm and sensible consideration and a decision by a court that the particular place in which they are living is changed by the decision of the court to them living somewhere else .
9 In one form or another these issues , which are really all variations of the same issue , are of very long standing , but the style in which they are presented is liable to change very rapidly .
10 In addition , the way in which they are organized is determined , at least in a competitive environment , by the principle of economizing on transaction costs .
11 A reduction in the number of matches and the space of time in which they are played is something Mr. Robinson is pressing for .
12 The matter of which they are made is crushed right out of existence … but it leaves behind it a gravitational field , as if it were still there but compressed into a very small volume of space .
13 The conclusion that the effects of arousal will depend on the subject 's interpretation of the importance of the task at which they are engaged is extremely important in interpreting studies of arousal and memory which are discussed later in this chapter .
14 Such craters are now known elsewhere in the Solar System as you have already seen in the case of Mars , and therefore the mechanism by which they are formed is of widespread relevance .
15 Finally , the combination of the ‘ toxic mix ’ of prisoners with these deteriorating conditions within which they are contained is thought to trigger off the periodic riots and disturbances to which the prison system is increasingly prone .
16 Intangibles included in the first two components may be capitalised as assets , provided that the company 's directors and auditors are satisfied that the amount at which they are capitalised is no greater than their recoverable amount .
17 The context in which they are mentioned is curious .
18 If the unemployment benefit which they are paid is as much as the savings made from the productivity gains from the new production method , then the savings from the use of the new technology do not re-emerge elsewhere to create new demands and new jobs .
19 The reason for the inclusion of the word ‘ limited ’ in the title of limited companies is to enable those trading with the company to know that the liability of members of the company with which they are trading is limited .
20 To this the applicant and his advisers respond that however understandable the authorities ' current attitude may be the course which they are adopting is unfair , for two cumulative reasons .
21 The actual transmission of letters rogatory to the authority to which they are addressed is governed by Article 4 which allows six possible modes of transmission .
22 But essentially , the time in which they were built is a world apart from the time we live in .
23 Does Schüssler Fiorenza mean that one is inspired by these women , although the religion in which they were involved is sexist ( in which case one is inspired to act against the biblical God ) ?
24 Paying public respect to eminent people is a good thing ; and using the names by which they were known is direct and refreshing .
25 The failure of the courts to operate according to the legal norms under which they were established is a familiar theme in South Asian studies .
26 Numerous tropical hardwoods and hardwood products on sale in D-I-Y stores across Britain bear " eco labels " which claim that the wood comes from sustainable logging operations , or that the area in which they were felled is being reforested .
27 What they 're defending is their all-expenses paid trips to the U.S. of A for next year 's World Cup junket .
28 Despite the layers of guitar feedback and pure white noise that swathe the haunting sound of Curve , both guitarists believe what they 're making is good pop music .
29 The electorate will buy what they 're shown is right , though persuading them costs a lot of bucks .
30 ‘ I respect the fact that The Jam can touch people and what they 're doing is an attempt to be ‘ real ’ — no myth or far-fetched fantasy — and it 's for real people , not people who follow trends .
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