Example sentences of "[pron] they [verb] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Being a member of the Anabantidae family , they have an auxiliary breathing apparatus called a labyrinth into which they draw air from the surface .
2 At the request of the inhabitants , he also opened up a well from which they draw water to this day , and his name is still commemorated in the village .
3 If there is any provision contained in these Guidelines or any agreement or arrangements of which they form part which causes or would cause these Guidelines or any agreement or arrangement of which they form part to be subject to registration under the Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1976 then that provision shall not take effect until the day after particulars of these Guidelines or any agreement or arrangements ( as the case may be ) shall have been duly furnished to the Director General of Fair Trading pursuant to that Act .
4 The participants also adopted a statement addressed to the politicians and citizens of Europe in which they demanded protection for Romanies against attacks from racist groups .
5 Table III shows the results of the investigations performed with the frequency with which they added information in making a diagnosis in the cases of iron deficiency anaemia .
6 The New Zealand Toxic Substances Board produced two reports in 1989 in which they compared consumption in 33 countries and prevalence in 20 advanced-economy countries over periods between 1970 and 1986 .
7 Phytoplankton have adapted to low-light conditions , and even orient themselves in the water column to bask more efficiently and store energy with which they fix carbon during darker periods .
8 Divorced and separated women often complain of the speed with which they lose contact with their married friends .
9 However , while the advisory team 's views had the undoubted consequence of making many Leeds primary classrooms seem busier and more attractive , the beneficial consequences for children 's learning were less clear ; and for some teachers , the claim of ‘ flexibility ’ had exactly the opposite effect , strait-jacketing them into practices to which they had no real commitment and which they had difficulty in managing .
10 Beyond the immediate circumstances of this case , Anselm rejected , so far as England was concerned , the recent papal practice of entrusting to specially appointed legates large areas within which they had authority over all archbishops and bishops .
11 Spinsters and widows enjoyed the legal status of femme sole in which they had control of their own affairs .
12 Higher education , though , is a matter of getting students launched on a process of self development , in which they take responsibility for enlarging and deepening their own consciousness .
13 These regional ministries operate as a normal part of the Whitehall machine except that they are located in Scotland and Wales , and they have the normal right to membership of any Cabinet committees dealing with matters for which they take responsibility in their areas .
14 But since they operate in a real world , their force and the respect they can command depends to a very considerable extent on the degree to which they take account of the real world .
15 We stressed the need in paragraph 17.13 for younger pupils to have increasing encounters with a range of examples through which they make sense of literary experiences and this should continue into the secondary stages .
16 Their family size is plotted on the graph at the year when they were aged 27 — the generation length , or age at which they gave birth to their median child .
17 Newbigin cites the evidence of not one but a variety of Christologies in the New Testament reflecting ‘ the attempts of that community to say who Jesus is in terms of the different cultures within which they bore witness to him . ’
18 Apart from the way that racial meanings are inferred rather than stated openly , these new forms are distinguished by the extent to which they identify race with the terms ‘ culture ’ and ‘ identity ’ , terms which have their own resonance in antiracist orthodoxy .
19 This legislation requires that people for the first thirteen weeks that they are unemployed have the right to look for a job which they have experience in and enjoy doing , but after 13 weeks they are required to take any job that comes along .
20 The existence in the benefit system to which they have access of a generous £10 weekly disregard on income from a top-up loan means that many students in those vulnerable groups will be better off under the new arrangements .
21 The countries in which they live labour under a massive debt burden — £784 billion of it .
22 Engels believed that the ‘ callous , narrow-minded and conceited ’ Junkers had learned from the French Revolution that the system they maintained was doomed , but in reality the Junkers crushed the rising and insisted on ‘ service ’ until an agricultural review had been conducted in 1865 — after which they abandoned serfdom with great reluctance .
23 The agreements were due to be signed on Dec. 16 , after which they required ratification by the European and national parliaments .
24 The functional select committees vary in the extent to which they pay attention to the expenditure proposals in departmental estimates .
25 By law they have to ballot their members in the next couple of years on whether they can keep their political funds , through which they give money to the party .
26 Foxes will often enlarge rabbit burrows to make the ‘ earth ’ in which they give birth to their young .
27 " Quite concretely the Communist Party wants to discuss with representatives of the Labour party the difficulties which they consider stand in the way of the realization of this unity and of the Communist Party becoming affiliated to the Labour Party " .
28 The attainment bands were formed on the basis of pupils ' score on the GT4 test , not from the particular mathematics sets in which they do mathematics in their schools .
29 There are two reasons for this diversity : microphones have differing pick-up characteristics depending on their intended use ; and they differ in the ways in which they convert sound into electrical signals .
30 She distrusted the institutions through which they exercised influence from the moment that supreme power seemed within her grasp .
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