Example sentences of "[pron] who [vb past] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It was not I who interfered with customers ’ accounts , taking out large sums of money . ’
2 All I knew about him was that he was someone who belonged to Jean-Claude 's past , and that Jean-Claude was indebted to him .
3 Most people got some informal care , and three-quarters had someone who spent on average at least an hour a day doing things with them or on their behalf .
4 If I could not believe in the sovereignty of God when it was my son lying there how could I tell someone who came for counselling , suffering the whims of a very insensitive partner , ‘ You continue to honour God in this situation .
5 She felt like someone who suffered from vertigo and suddenly found themselves standing on the edge of a deep abyss .
6 The fact that he lived with someone who slept by day , and the fact that his own life , centred around The Bar , was more or less nocturnal , made it seem quite normal to Boy to always consider the life of the city around him from the perspective of the night .
7 Someone who flew to Britain , so they were over here at the time of the Sandra Riverton crime . ’
8 You knew everyone who went to work in the early morning — the chappie who came round on his bike and rod to put out the gas lamps or to light them .
9 The belief they held was that the resort was a ‘ dream city ’ in that everyone who came on holiday there had the wish to live there permanently .
10 Uncle Dickie , as he was known to the whole family , was a dynamic , tyrannical figure , full of energy , drive and ambition , who aroused strong passions in everyone who came into contact with him .
11 Everyone who came into contact with her felt better for knowing her .
12 ‘ XYZ ’ is the perfect kiss-off to everyone who raved against Moose in 1991 with such blinkered zeal , to all the people who sneered at shoe-gazing — a ‘ scene ’ defined , uniquely , by those who hated all of the bands they ill-informedly lumped together — for being one-dimensional and destined for a quick death .
13 → Thanks to everyone who sent in information and recollections concerning Levin guitars — especially the short , concise ones ( just kidding , Bob ! ) .
14 Everyone who worked with Laura at this time agrees that , as a fashion editor , she had a sure instinct about forecasting trends , a canny feel for coordinating colour and fabric that was invariably right , and knowledge of which of the latest details could be adapted to the ‘ Laura Ashley ’ look .
15 This book introduces the writings of five of them who lived in fourteenth- and early fifteenth-century England .
16 WHILE the leaders of all three main political parties seem intent on dragging us into closer union with Europe , there must be millions like me who fought in World War Two to stop Germany dominating the Continent .
17 You will hear how pigs decided to own their own houses , and how pigs like me who worked for Harris , Harris and Overdene openly ate legal documents in the street .
18 It was you who tipped off James Cobalt .
19 Any of you who read about Ade Mafe 's trials with Wigan in the morning papers may have thought the story sounded familiar .
20 This may well be for those of you who did in fact agree .
21 She had been disappointed in her first sight of him , but she gave him an amused little smile , hoping that he was not one who doted on cats .
22 ‘ You remember your sister Wendy , ’ said Rhoda , ‘ the one who died of drink so young ?
23 It was not undertaken in 11 of those who had been subject to suffocation , five referred before the po 2 monitor was available , four patients >1 year with infrequent events , two for whom social problems resulted in a prolonged hospital stay , and one who died before admission .
24 ‘ Strangely enough , ’ Ockleton had said , Harry having to strain to hear him amidst the noise and smoke as closing time drew near , ‘ Rex was the one who seemed to interest Heather the most .
25 As it was , I was lucky to get away with a few bruises if the person who slugged me was the one who knocked off Mahoney .
26 You were the one who braked on Main Street .
27 He wanted a secretary — not an ordinary girl , one who knew about politics , current affairs .
28 The one who looked like Saddam Hussein .
29 I say that as one who lived in Scotland for many years . ’
30 These documents form a basis for the history of Jacques le Romain and his father , Martin ; they make possible the revision of the most recently published Hotteterre genealogical charts , especially as they document three Hotteterre makers previously unidentified , including one who lived in London in the service of the King ; and they offer clarification of the Hotteterre makers ' marks , and alter our view of how the three-piece flute of the early Baroque developed into the four-piece flute with corps de rechange .
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