Example sentences of "[pron] as [subord] it were " in BNC.

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1 Which made it the more regrettable that , in an age when abortion is pressed on one as if it were a free sample , she should have contrived to have four children in six years — unwanted , dubiously parented , ill cared for .
2 As the diesel train came in and people were already picking up suitcases from the platform Moran turned and kissed her as if it were a last good night to all the nights she had come to him .
3 He sat at the head of the table carefully scrutinising the document in front of him as if it were a religious text which he had to examine for scriptural errors .
4 But Nick said , ‘ Hallo , Mister Johnny , ’ and went up to him as if it were the easiest and most natural thing in the world .
5 And er I b I remember him as if it were yesterday .
6 It says the company 's marketing of Cisco is dangerously deceptive ; it induces unsuspecting teenagers to guzzle it as if it were a standard spritzer .
7 He received it as if it were a precious relic a saint had just blessed , and folded it carefully .
8 He let his left hand dangle , inspecting it as if it were an alien object .
9 As E. R. Curtius has pointed out , the pious attitude of the Romans to their past and their tendency to regard it as if it were a part of the present signified a kind of timelessness that excluded a genuinely historical view of the world and was very different from our sense of temporal perspective .
10 Although the limb is three-dimensional I will treat it as if it were two-dimensional and only consider position with respect to two axes , the antero-posterior axis which runs across the limb from digit 2 to digit 4 , and the long , or proximo-distal axis , which runs from the shoulder to the tip of the digits .
11 Since this became a standard feature of trusts it is not helpful to treat it as if it were dependent solely on an especially close regard for the testator 's intention .
12 I started the Food Addict 's Diet and stuck to it as if it were my shadow .
13 I have a Goniopora coral and my Clownfish lives in it as if it were an anemone , which is not doing it a lot of good .
14 He loved the child , and was endlessly kind and thoughtful towards it , as fond of it as if it were his own .
15 Water is becoming an increasingly scarce and valuable resource , and to charge for it as if it were free is beginning to look absurd .
16 I can remember it as if it were yesterday .
17 Windows will then ignore the line , treating it as if it were a comment .
18 Her facial skin had absorbed it as if it were the most expensive cosmetic cream .
19 The reporter picked up his empty lager can and contemplated it as if it were a work of art .
20 If the line is even , and your position is not critical , treat it as if it were starboard biased : that is , if you want to continue on starboard tack , join the bunch reaching down the line quite early .
21 The Leader , so he told his people , had lifted this distempered fog , this old corruption of Italy , and shone a bright blazing torch into the darkness of the bosses ' law , sweetening it as if it were a malarial swamp , squashing the mosquito lawyers and owners and priests breeding in it .
22 Lorre put his arm around the bush , soothing it as if it were a favourite niece in whose person he took an unhealthy interest .
23 He stroked her face , and then ran his fingers through her hair , looking at it as if it were made of some delicate , finely spun silk .
24 I ca n't shake a lingering vision of her straining eagerly against Casey , and I half blame her for it as if it were true .
25 She sat in it as if it were a throne , her back bolt upright inches away from its back , her black flannel skirts smoothed to disguise the fact that only one foot could be conventionally booted .
26 He had paid it as if it were his own .
27 His hands are gently folded over it as if it were just a bag of laundry on his lap .
28 His hand wanders constantly over it as if it were a fine thoroughbred thin-skinned horse .
29 The money that the Minister has provided has been recycled more times than I can count — although he talks about it as if it were new money — and it will run out in April , but there is still no commitment to replace it .
30 He discovered the cigarette in his hand and examined it as if it were a mistake .
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