Example sentences of "[pron] can [verb] to [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Once you have digested this , perhaps you could get in touch to discuss arrangements for a private view , at which time I can outline to you the various options open to you in terms of guiding , catering etc .
2 I thrive on people telling me that so I can react to it .
3 And having been brought up outside Scotland , I think I can relate to it .
4 I mean I get phone calls everyday all day long from VETS who are saying I 've got this prickly ball , what the hell do I do with it , you see , and I can explain to them how to try and unroll a hedgehog and then what to do when you get inside the hedgehog .
5 Probably the easiest way I can explain to you how athletics has changed since Eric Liddell won Olympic Gold in 1924 is to ask you to put the situation in a modern context .
6 I can deliver to you next day , but it takes him ten days to get it here , what service does he need ?
7 ‘ I think I can swim to it , ’ I said to myself .
8 You and Osman , you and the Fry , though you have told me of your perfect freedom and exchange of ideas etc. were never freer than Edward and I. Sometimes I wonder that I can speak to him as I do , never before having known a boy , and having only you at times to ‘ let out , on .
9 Please , would you come over to Club Eleusis and bring Malamute with you so I can speak to him ?
10 Chair , if I can , if I can speak to it from a financial point of view , this is the scheme where we have been successful in bidding for the European Rural Development Fund grants .
11 Will you ask Steven if I can talk to him please ?
12 I can talk to her in a way I could n't before and she 's been a great help over the past year .
13 I can talk to her about things .
14 Many of the Dublin deaf have a smattering of BSL and can talk to me better than I can talk to them .
15 Try not to brood about last night , so that you 're angry again by the time I can talk to you . ’
16 I can talk to you . ’
17 I saw his body three days ago , and because of that , I can talk to you about him .
18 I can talk to you , you can talk to me .
19 Especially now that I can talk to you about Chris .
20 But I will trust you , because there are few with whom I can talk as I can talk to you .
21 I 'm going to smoke too much , I 'm going to smoke too much , I 'm going to drink too much , I 'm not going to do enough exercise , I 'm going to put on too much weight , I 'm going to stress myself too much , and I can talk to you five days about those conditions .
22 He he said you 're one person I can talk to , you listen to me and I can talk to you and er he did n't want to worry you at that time but for him , he did n't think he was suitable .
23 Oh no come here then I can talk to you .
24 On 30 August , Amery was saying how glad he was that Hailsham was outside the government ; ‘ I can look to him as an ally in helping to bring the thing to a conclusion reasonably soon . ’
25 If I can come to you Andrew , you were in the Royal Highland Fl Fusiliers , what
26 Some people probably think I take too long to decide such matters , but I can demonstrate to them that sometimes by giving people a reasonable length of time to adjust they come through with flying colours .
27 ‘ And perhaps an occasional meal or two , if I can stretch to it . ’
28 But I can write to him in his capacity as Robert Atkins ' Parliamentary Private Secretary .
29 Well , I mean I take the view that if we are going to erm have something on the agenda , I can telephone his secretary , I can write to him , anytime , which I 'm quite willing to do , I can not see the point in sending things through the post at twenty five P a time when we shall never see the man , and if he comes here
30 But once we 've agreed is , once , once I 've done the work , we have done the work , I have done the work with you helping me , er I 've written this application , what I want to do is turn that into a much more general one and then I can write to you know maybe twenty , twenty five trusts on a more general basis
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