Example sentences of "[pron] can [be] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I 've persuaded the people who matter that I 'm the best man to work with you to help us clear this up , but I 'm like a football manager , Cameron ; I can be replaced at a moment 's notice and I 'm only as good as the results I get .
2 I feel like I can be contributed towards for I must admit that , I do feel as though I could be pulling my weight a bit , especially when Chris worries about money .
3 This can be seen by computing the scalar invariant given here by ( 9.22 ) Using ( 9.6 ) and ( 9.13 ) , I can be seen to be unbounded when for all values of k 1 and k 2 in the required range ( 9.9 ) .
4 I 'll give you a number where I can be reached in any emergency . ’
5 One is that I can be prepared for what is going to be available here sooner or later and so be able to combat it .
6 Of course I can be mistaken about the meanings of the words I use , but this will not show that I have any mistaken beliefs about my present sensory states .
7 That way she can keep her puritanical role as keeper of the rules , and I can be represented as a rude anarchist .
8 Like every rule , it has means by which it is enforced ; in this case , if I break the rule of driving on the left-hand side of the road I can be prosecuted under a law of the land .
9 I have spent most of my career in two specific areas and therefore I am sure I can be forgiven for saying a special thank you and farewell to Inroads and an extra special thank you and goodbye to Roadcare .
10 If I can make these changes , I can be freed from my captivity to unwanted stress .
11 I can be contacted at the Giffnock Group , Glasgow , .
12 ‘ If you need me I can be contacted on the phone .
13 If you should require additional information I can be contacted on 469–5469 .
14 That way I can be liberated from them , receive my freedom . ’
15 Thank you , I do n't know if I can be bothered for twenty five pounds , no I would if she asked me , but I do n't know if I 'll bother ringing up as well
16 All right , so I took full responsibility for the organisation of the sale , but there is no way I can be blamed for the outcome .
17 I suppose I can be civilised about the thing . "
18 I can be doing with someone to run errands , now Ewan 's gone . ’
19 You see to what depths ( heights ? ) of pedantry I can be driven by the glint of steel ?
20 When ordering my lunches these days , I try to avoid the use of the term ‘ packed lunch ’ and merely ask if I can be supplied with certain items in a bag to take away .
21 I can be used to graphically estimate the rate of gas generation .
22 I am in charge of NIE , and whatever matters I can be criticised for , showing a lack of activity is not one .
23 I can be found with the Prince of Wales 's Own Volunteers who are a part of Sir Colin Halkett 's brigade . ’
24 I can be put in jail , yeah .
25 I 'm not actually talking to a teenager though I can be talking to anyone .
26 Here someone can be advised of the systems available .
27 For example , if A tells B something in confidence and B ( without A 's permission ) passes the information on to C , who has not been told that it is confidential and the circumstances are such that an obligation of confidence can not be imputed to C , then C will be able to use the information freely although B himself can be prevented from using the information or divulging it further .
28 In today 's world nobody can be isolated from change and uncertainty , and the challenge for us is to continue to provide excellent services in these uncertain times .
29 Under the deal , called PRT ( Promotion , Transfer and Redundancy ) , nobody can be sacked without being offered another job somewhere in the system .
30 What is left , it is claimed , will be self-evident truths which can be accepted as such by all open minds .
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