Example sentences of "[pron] can [vb infin] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Well probably in your early days you 'll probably do a mix , but if y the quicker you can get to only work , and even to the extent I mean I went out and bought my own book that had personal recommendations on the front and I would actually show that and say look John the only way I actually work , while I get everything ready you might like to look through because it 's the only way I work , I purely work on a personal recommendation basis and that enables me to get quality clients like yourself erm and I can devote time to you rather than have to go out looking for people to tell my story
2 Can you suggest why she behaves in this way and how I can prevent injury to everybody in the family !
3 ‘ But I do not feel I can do justice to that need here , in the uncomfortable cold of this cave .
4 I can bring Tammuz to the comm unit if you like .
5 If we walk , I can deliver Ludo to Suzie in twenty minutes .
6 I can put names to them and faces . ’
7 erm , so that if , if they then go to an appeal er , I was talking to this planning officer and I was saying that I think I 'll consult them , he said I do n't think you 'll need to he said , and of what you 've done so far is pretty good and I can get access to all the letters that have been written in , in objecting into the into the homes
8 Is there anyway I can gain access to my old D short of removing DRDOS and starting again .
9 Assuming I am unrecognized , I shall bide my time until I can gain entrance to the tower and the winding stairs to the upper floor . ’
10 The sooner I 've seen your grandmother , the sooner I can say goodbye to you for the last time .
11 I 've got natural sound and MIDI so I can add MIDI to the natural sound .
12 The programme is simple but certainly not easy and most of all it is individual : nobody can give recovery to anyone else , each recovering person has to work for his or her own recovery .
13 As a result , they spend much of their time sitting down in the thick layer of muck which can inflict burns to their hocks and breasts , and they may also develop ulcerated feet .
14 Moreover , the intricacy of the colouring can , and seems to be , influenced by horizontal and vertical circulation patterns in the atmosphere and by waves , both of which can transport material to altitudes where its colours are unstable but where insufficient time has elapsed for chemical reactions to have reached a new equilibrium corresponding to different colours .
15 For those of you who write using a word processor editing software is now available which can draw attention to defects in your writing style .
16 External factors include pollution of the environment — the air , water , soil and food ; infectious agents such as bacteria , viruses and other parasites ; the sort of work we do , which can give rise to postural problems ; the people we work and live with ; the amount of exercise we take ; the amount of fresh air we breathe ; the amount of rest , relaxation and sleep we get , and so on .
17 A basic sense of wonder ( a ) to foster their capacity for imagination which can give rise to vision , realizing that reality can be greater and other than it often seems — so that they appreciate that a flat two-dimensional approach to life is not the only option available ; ( b ) to understand that religious faith expresses itself in a variety of forms , many of which are close to the arts , and to realize also that religious language is mostly used in symbolic or metaphorical ways ; ( c ) to appreciate the emotional power of religious commitment and how this can be beneficial or harmful .
18 which can give preference to one sense when other factors are equal ; and can be biased according to sublanguage/domain ;
19 There is also an ambulance , normally parked near the main entrance at Cumberland Gate , which can ferry employees to the Central Middlesex Hospital on the rare occasions when there is a serious accident or illness .
20 For the second , there are indeed a number of important general processes which can add value to an information construct , and which are not dependent on the eventual setting within which that construct will be used .
21 Fothergill says his company 's reputation has been built on a philosophy that views a lift as more than a metal cabin ; rather something which can add value to a building .
22 It was all right for Annabel — she 's only six , and as long as she can feed sugar to the milkman 's horse every morning she 's happy .
23 BUSINESS Expansion Schemes share issues may appeal to those who can forego access to part of their savings for five years in return for sheltering these funds from tax .
24 Crusoe 's fabled isle contained all he needed to sustain life — given , that is , that he had rescued so much of use from the wreck , not forgetting a Bible ; and Defoe 's most compelling point was that the island is a self-sufficient place to anyone who can bring courage to the task of living in it , along with an inherited faith and a few tools .
25 These concepts are utilised in the Procedure Audit process to determine measures of success from a specified point of view , as agreed by the person responsible for the procedure and its continued existence , which in practical terms is generally the person who can authorise changes to be made .
26 Well instead of going and destroying utility plants such as power plants and desalination plants , there are actually easier way and a less expensive way to do it is by attacking like sub-stations which erm actually you do n't destroy the power plant , you just destroy the erm source where you can distribute electricity to the whole country .
27 Er the erm the environmental health check I think he did discuss it at fantastic length , the question of our public lavatories an an and the savings that can be made and the judgement it came to in the end was a , was a very one I think on the outlook against of what you can reasonably do , erm nevertheless I do gather that erm erm it is no longer necessary under standing orders , for erm amendments to the budget to be self financing because you can move amendments to simply increase the budget and er the amendment that I reserve I suppose , it 's not very much .
29 If the fax at the other end is a fax modem running UntraFAX , you can send files to the remote machine .
30 But the thing is that your er particular area you know , if you wanted to do one and not save it , you do n't have to save , you know , you know you can print it off and it 's done , but you can send mail to Tracey or headquarters C A , you would n't have to print it out once it 's what you want you just press a button and it goes .
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