Example sentences of "[pron] will have [pos pn] [det] " in BNC.

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1 For myself and Eileen as we move on to a ministry which will have its own surprises in the days ahead , we hope that we can lead our beloved Church on .
2 Gloucester 's redevelopment of the pavilion and other amenities at Bristol , due to be completed for the resumption of cricket in mid-June , secures the club 's relationship with the owners of the ground , the Sun Alliance Insurance Company , which will have its own facilities for its locally based staff on the new premises .
3 Which defines a list of things which will have their own er , statement exceptions .
4 Is it to be the often ideal arrangement of a ‘ granny-flat ’ extension to your house , in which she will have her own bed-sitter with kitchen , bathroom and lavatory ?
5 Well , she will have her own budget now .
6 If the relationship has been real , she will have her own grief and difficulty in coping with the diagnosis , as well as her own anger at the surgeon or the doctor .
7 Indeed , The Conran Shop ( naturally ) is already stocking some furniture , various galleries have bought pieces , and she will have her own show in the summer : the least that one would expect from a girl who , when just a Southern bellette , covered with paint and pattern her mother 's hairdryer .
8 the main explanation why so long to reply is very much geared to the fact that we are in the hands of the Electricity Board for everything below the junction box on the street lighted column , if the bolt is in the cable , or a cable junction or in a circuit we are in the hands in another organization totally , who will have their own timescales and priority to responses .
9 Sir Hector , who will have his own form to fill in as a farmer in Dumfriesshire , says in the letter : ‘ I recognise that many of you will be fed up at the prospect of yet more literature and more form filling .
10 You will have your own body image fixed in your mind .
11 It does n't mean that you will do everything in this way — you will have your own ideas and so will your management .
12 Then you can collect up your belongings , all those things you would wish to have with you at the Hall — you will have your own bedchamber remember — and then , when you are ready , you can bolt the door and the windows and return here in the wagon . ’
13 A well-planted tank is appreciated , and shows Angels off at their best ; Amazon swords are my favourite , growing well in my tanks , but you will have your own preferences .
14 You will have your own way of dealing with these reactions but one of the teacher 's functions in a group playback session is to be aware of individual reactions of this kind and to steer discussion away from subjective comment if necessary .
15 You will have your own viewpoints on the validity of Theory X with Theory Y. In fact McGregor intentionally polarised his theories , and recognises that people are in reality too complex to be categorised in this way .
16 You will have your own detailed job description which describes the kind of tasks you will be doing .
17 We will have our own style of sports journalism — and news about the arts with items throughout the day .
18 They will have their own friends , run separate diaries and make their own official tours and engagements .
19 Even if your students have very little command of the spoken language , they will have their own ideas about what they have seen .
20 No doubt they will have their own terms .
21 Everyone will have their own ideas about what lost Labour the election , or when its campaign began to lose its cutting edge .
22 Each of them will have its own integrity , its own remit and its belief in its own purpose .
23 It will have its own aerodrome and pupils will arrive by commercial transport plane …
24 As landlord it will have its own building surveyors and , as LEA , it will need some expertise in supplies , equipment , personnel , health and safety , accounting , VAT , computing management and the law .
25 ( in the near future it will have its own fenced-in garden ) .
26 If you are acting for a building society in the transaction , it will have its own form of report on title , which you must complete and submit before the advance can be made to you .
27 It will have its own presenters , and could lead to changes for Newcastle 's popular Northern Life presenters Paul Frost and Pam Royle .
28 Well , perhaps only the new Foreign Secretary could sell it to Mrs Thatcher , and he will have his own notions of ripe time .
29 However the supervisor will point out that things have changed since that was produced and he will have his own view of the essentials of the task .
30 Soon he will have his own conscience to live with and that is punishment for any man . ’
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