Example sentences of "[pron] will have [to-vb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 If you do n't want it I will have to cancel it tomorrow .
2 Otherwise I will have to punish you — Punish you severely .
3 You may not like me for it but I will have to drive you hard if you are to learn all you will need to survive what you will face .
4 However , if anyone else comes along I will have to put them in bed with you . ’
5 I will have to edit it now Kerslake , BATTY and now Strandli
6 Marling has yet to encounter such conditions and trainer Geoff Wragg warned : ‘ I will have to play it by ear but as long as it is only soft we should be all right .
7 Yes , well if I ca n't find her , I will have to ring her up and say what hours is she doing here ? and I think that will be a way of finding out , but I 'm not coming before nine and if she 's not here at nine I will want to know why , what time she 's started . .
8 If I get 100 's of replies I will have to send them to the list anyway .
9 Someone will have to steer her
10 Someone will have to tell her .
11 Old people in particular often ensure each night before they go to bed that their house is tidy and their last instructions are by their bed in case they should die in the night and someone will have to find them in the morning .
12 Just time for a cup of coffee , she thinks , but she will have to make it herself as the office is short staffed , with the Corporal Clerk away representing the Corps at the celebrations to mark the tenth anniversary of the Queen Mother being appointed Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports .
13 The characteristic contribution of the senior civil servant lies not so much in the originality and imagination he or she may display in thinking up new policies — these can be a positive nuisance without the ability to convince and lead those , often outside the service , who will have to put them into effect — but the skills to recognize promising new ideas and the opportunities to develop them , and to exploit the opportunities when they occur .
14 In addition , the established place of computers has reduced techno-fear among teachers and has probably made subsequent technology innovation more acceptable to the people who will have to put it to work .
15 Tension can be created either by the sponsor 's subtle , superior position of detachment : ‘ I am only here to describe the problems ; you are the ones who will have to face them ’ , or , quite differently , a hint of ‘ I know more than I am going to tell ’ , or its cruder version : ‘ I am doing a good salesman 's job and you are going to fall for it ’ .
16 This task will be easier if the plaintiff has been convicted of an offence under the Motor Vehicles ( Wearing of Seat Belts ) Regulations 1982 or the 1991 Regulations making the wearing of seat belts in rear seats by adults compulsory because that conviction will throw the onus on to the plaintiff who will have to show it was erroneous or irrelevant to discharge it .
17 If you really want to understand what anthropologists do you will have to do it yourself .
18 If the thematic patterning of the original can not be reproduced naturally in the target language , then you will have to abandon it .
19 That if the poor are hungry they will eat your food , and why should they not ? : that if they are dirty they will infest you with disease , and so they should : that if you ignore them they will mug you and steal what you have , which is no more than you deserve : that if they sit barefoot at your door they will hurt your conscience and you will have to let them in .
20 I 'd only set out again — and again — so you will have to let me come . ’
21 You will have to let us marry now . ’
22 ‘ About that , you will have to give me more details , ’ she said calmly , gazing at my face .
23 Whatever type of path you intend to lay , you will have to give it a proper foundation if it is to last for any length of time .
24 You will have to weigh it again once it is stuffed for an exact time .
25 If he improves over the next 3–4 years and lasts until he 's 30 , then you will have to put him up alongside the other 2 .
26 You will have to put me out of your mind , ’ she said quietly .
27 You will have to forgive me , Mr. Deputy Speaker , but I have now lost my thread .
28 Check that the fascia boards are worth repairing : if they have started to rot , you will have to replace them before starting on the guttering .
29 You will have to ask them — they wo n't even talk to us .
30 ‘ Let me see her — or two of you will have to throw me out ! ’ said Nancy violently .
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