Example sentences of "[pron] will [verb] [indef pn] of " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Brother , if you will send it to me I will make lots of drawings for you of the Heike , and whatever you want … .
2 I will accept nothing of the sort , Miss Kenton , until I have had a chance to deal with the matter .
3 choose a time of the year which will attract plenty of people ; this will depend on the particular gallery or exhibition space you are using .
4 For example , if a child is taught to answer certain kinds of question appropriately , it is important that , after teaching , she will experience lots of opportunities to respond to similar questions and that appropriate responses will be systematically reinforced .
5 The Minister of State will be under no time constraint this evening , and she will have plenty of time to tell us precisely what she will do about this serious subject .
6 Nevertheless few other aspects of caste are maintained , and during the daughter 's long engagement she will spend plenty of time with her fiancé , giving her plenty of opportunity to reject him .
7 You will meet lots of my good friends . ’
8 If you visit any horse show you will see plenty of freeze branded winners .
9 Once you begin , you will find plenty of inspiration for creating tapestries and embroideries from pressed flower designs .
10 But you will find plenty of kindling and dry wood down on the beach .
11 questions — you will find lots of these at the end of each section : they are included mainly to stimulate your own reflections as you read , but they could also be drawn on when group discussion — at a meeting in a parish or deanery or diocesan synod — is being planned
12 Even without a metal detector , you will find lots of lead fishing weights on most beaches .
13 In fifty minutes or so , you will have an extraordinary experience : you will know nothing of the baglady to begin with , but you will know everything you need to know by the end .
14 Obviously you will need lots of negative pitch !
15 ( If the Chairman is poor you will need lots of control ! )
16 ‘ Well , you will become something of a vegetable , unfortunately , but I 'm sure our guards , so lonely this far from home , will find a use for you even in that state . ’
17 If your hospital stay is planned then you will have plenty of time to organise some help to take care of your home and other responsibilities .
18 This pretty island is only an hour away by ferry so you will have plenty of time to get a real feel for the island and begin to enjoy its special magic before it is time to leave .
19 Those of you who are taking shorthand units will be doing a lot of listening practice and you will have plenty of opportunities to improve your skills .
20 It 's so funny it 's real entertainment someone at the Tate said er , you know when I told them I bought the bird bath , they said you will have lots of pleasure with that and I think I have .
21 For example , no amount of arguing by itself will convince anyone of the truth of Genesis , 2 – 3 , but knowledge of the possibility of interpreting it in different ways — which include the symbolic — can help people to think again about an easy dismissal of it .
22 Communist Party leader Marchais denounced the students in these words , ‘ The pseudo-revolutionaries of Nanterre and anywhere else labour in vain , they will change nothing of historical reality ’ ( quoted Posner , 1970 ) .
23 ‘ They are very skilful boys and I believe they will cause lots of problems at Windsor Park . ’
24 It is a mistake to be too ambitious to begin with , for when 50 or so near maturity they will require lots of food and it may take some gathering .
25 Scatter counting is a fairly sophisticated skill for young children , and they will need lots of help and practice .
26 ‘ Just as they will take everything of any value in Ireland .
27 Parochial self-interest — People think they will lose something of value as a result .
28 It is expected that students will understand what is meant in this context by the terms rank , cohesion , and context of situation , and that they will know something of those recent developments with which the term ‘ Systemic ’ is particularly associated .
29 From Dixons , we will hear that the company should retain its independence because its current trading woes are a product of a consumer squeeze over which it has no control and because it will make lots of money when times get better and we have more spare cash with which to buy new tellies , video recorders , fridges etc .
30 It will do nothing of the kind .
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