Example sentences of "[pron] would [not/n't] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If I was n't getting all the media attention I would n't be pining for it , ’ a modest Tim begins .
2 ‘ If I was n't getting all the media attention I would n't be pining for it , ’ a modest Tim begins .
3 I was terrified that I would n't be accepted .
4 I thought it might be — that 's why I went back to Hong Kong , so I would n't be tempted to see you and start believing it was n't .
5 and if you wan na do something slightly different then do it in a role play scenario with a manager or a senior adviser and er get their feedback accordingly but I 'd be te I would n't be tempted to do it in the real world .
6 Oh yeah , and I quite like that , but if I had that , I 'd like to I would n't be tempted to decorate his room
7 I did n't care if it was raw , if the pangs of birth were ugly ; I wanted to be somewhere I would n't be defined by what I 'd been , where I could fashion a new notion of myself and impose it on others as the truth .
8 I would n't be drinking lemonade for just any man , ’ she said .
9 ‘ You could not guarantee that I would n't be blown up .
10 And I would n't be thinking that I was making an investment , if you understand me . ’
11 And with this interjection Aggie now beat her closed fist against the end of the settle as she added angrily , ‘ If she had acted like the friend that she was supposed to be to the mother I would n't be faced with this lot tonight . ’
12 Walter had me into his panelled wankpit of an office , classified my request to change the name on my cheques from N.O. Russell to Oliver Russell as not central to the Bank 's policy for the 1980s , and reminded me that unless funds were forthcoming to camouflage my black hole of an overdraft I would n't be getting a new cheque-book even if I called myself Santa Claus .
13 I would n't be suprised if he scores nearer 20 than 10 goals by the end of the season .
14 If it had n't been for his diligent research and dogged answer seeking , I would n't be leaving for America two hours from now in the hope of a cure .
15 I told her that I would n't be leaving without her ladyship 's mourning clothes .
16 ‘ I spend most of my working life wearing clothes I would n't be seen dead in , ’ says Jonathon , seen above , far right , with the rest of the cast of Bread .
17 I would n't be seen dead in a navy suit and I 'd rather give a peck on the cheek than a mock-male handshake .
18 I would n't be seen at that beast 's house .
19 In ex-army gear I would n't be seen , as long as I kept still , sitting on my hands , pale face buried in a heather clump , but those long heads that rose between rasping bites of coarse grass had twitching noses that never stopped their search for the enemy — a very efficient sort of olfactory radar .
20 " I would n't be seen dead on that bridge . "
21 I would n't be seen dead with you in here was his reply .
22 I would n't be seen dead with him
23 I would n't be filling them up if they were n't blank , are they all blank ?
24 ‘ But I would n't be taking the problem with me , would I ? ’
25 And when I found out my Friday meeting was being moved forward and I would n't be seeing you after all I asked your Miss Philimore to cancel it .
26 No I , I would n't be looking forward to that
27 I would n't be looking for him to approach me . ’
28 Naturally I knew that I would n't be wandering unnoticed .
29 I said I would n't be calling again and I meant what I said . ’
30 It meant I would n't be perceived as another girl singer — and I could set the look and feel and energy of what I was about . ’
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