Example sentences of "[pron] would [adv] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And , at that time I realized what my friend had gone through , and I knew what I had gone through , and I would willingly have gone on having babies for erm out of compassion for people who could n't have children and I would have done it much more naturally !
2 I would willingly have sponsored a Corpus Christi Mystery , being so close to the Feast-day . ’
3 I thought that perhaps I would sooner have swum in the pool with the crocodiles than draw to myself the hostile attention of that girl .
4 I would simply have to twist my head during copulation to see what it looked like .
5 If it had n't worked out , I would simply have carried on road riding . ’
6 I would rather have played for Wales at Cardiff Arms Park than Hamlet at the Old Vic , ’ he said later .
7 I would rather have seen it move to Merthyr Tydfil , Brecon , or anywhere else , because it is an authority for Wales .
8 But I think in the long run , although I do n't agree with forty , I would rather have gone a forty two , erm it will probably help the sport immensely in the end .
9 I would rather have done it .
10 I would rather have known .
11 Herr Hans-Eberhard Klein , the Frankfurt prosecutor who led the search , said : ‘ I am glad it is over , but I would rather have had a live Mengele than a dead one so that some of the thousands who suffered under him could have gained some little satisfaction from a trial . ’
12 I hooked up a wriggling worm and ate it : it tasted alright , earthy and slightly gritty , but I would rather have had a proper meal .
13 ‘ I enjoyed the challenge , though I would rather have had my father back . ’
14 I would rather have died than let the Parsons see where I lived .
15 Er so I suspect it 's not worked out quite as we intended er and it I mean the main problem is that it 's it 's it 's cost us time , cost me time which I would rather have spent on something else but there we are .
16 This was not only because I would rather have won than lost anything , but also because , winning being unlikely , I would rather have opted out altogether than lost .
17 This was not only because I would rather have won than lost anything , but also because , winning being unlikely , I would rather have opted out altogether than lost .
18 Indeed , in most cases for most injuries , anybody would say " I would rather have avoided this injury than have any amount of money whatever in compensation " .
19 I would rather have shown him my love .
20 I would normally have killed them with one strike of my talons ! ’
21 Given the new licensing laws for teachers I shall give them some experience of the post 16+ area before embarking on the lower school work with which under the former arrangement I would normally have begun .
22 Nor were the books that Edward showed me the kind of thing I would normally have read — not , at least , as anything more than a casual browse among the dustier nooks of human eccentricity .
23 ‘ I had hoped I would n't have to give a woman the full benefit of our facilities . ’
24 I would n't have to decide anything .
25 That way , I would n't have to see you or speak to you at all ! ’
26 Len wanted us to get married in a Registry Office , but somehow , I would n't have felt properly married .
27 I would n't have heard . ’
28 I would n't have gone to meet him under any circumstances .
29 If I had known what would be required of me this morning I would n't have gone to that birthday celebration last night . ’
30 To have that evening with Francis once more , not all of it , just the moment when I was through the door and heard him say , ‘ Do n't go , do n't go , ’ and I would n't have gone , and my story would have had a different end ?
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