Example sentences of "[pron] has [adv] [vb pp] through " in BNC.

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1 The Data Protection Bill , which has already gone through the House of Lords , proposes that every business computer-user who holds information on living individuals should register .
2 The dust build up on the fan housing is dust which has already passed through the unit — and the disk drives !
3 Either circumstance can have a lasting effect upon self-view and relationships , while the youngster who has not come through the " mourning " phase adequately may act in later life exactly as though a " new " parent were sought .
4 What 's more , as anyone who has ever flicked through the ‘ Readers ' Wives ’ sections of porno mags will know , pseudo-whorish underwear is as ugly as hell .
5 It was a stylistic departure for Chloe but not one at odds with the image of the house or , more importantly , its feminine , peach-packaged floral fragrance familiar to every woman who has ever passed through a department store perfumery .
6 But she has now gone through the barrier and that is important for her . ’
7 Milton can not lift Satan to such great heights and put such great speeches in his mouth and then snatch them back denying in his authorial intrusions what he has just proclaimed through his character .
8 ( He has also lived through a revolution and it was hell , but he keeps quiet about that ) .
9 Stable companion Boloardo faces a tougher task in the Listed Magnolia Stakes but he has also come through the winter to the complete satisfaction of his trainer .
10 Instead of seeing the person depicted on the duckpond surface of the polaroids , he sees an amalgam : this one 's slightly dark upper lip , this one 's nervy legs , this one 's role in Le Médecin malgré lui at the Comédie Française ( where he has recently sat through an excruciating evening of seventeenth-century high camp ) , this one 's intensely white and brown eyes , this one 's professed love of Shakespeare , this one 's part in an erotic thriller ( he can remember her buttocks from that movie , but he ca n't fix them to the right actress without his notes ) .
11 He has never gone through the pain and never will , nor will he ever suffer from post-natal depression , morning sickness and the list goes on .
12 He has always gone through life doing things very much his way , courting controversy as he did so .
13 Now it 's safe from acid attack on the back and on the front except for where he has lightly drawn through the thin wax coating using the etching .
14 Now , you can see that coin down there , if you look carefully , you can see it you ca n't get it , you know where it is , it has n't gone through a hole into the centre of the earth it has n't , sort of , disappeared into outer space , you know exactly where it is , the chances are you could pin point it within a few inches of where i , even if you ca n't see it you know where it is , but you ca n't get at it to you , it 's lost you know it 's geographic location , you know when it went there , you know everything about it , you only thing is you ca n't get at it !
15 Theology in the last sixty years or so has naturally built upon and extended aspects of the work of its nineteenth-century predecessors ; but it has also gone through some striking changes of direction , especially from the aims and programme of Liberal Theology .
16 Prokofiev 's solemn and doom-laden funeral march finally stamps the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet because it has already echoed through each stage in the unfolding of the plot .
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