Example sentences of "[pron] have be [adj] by " in BNC.

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1 I have been delighted by the interest and support of the people of Killyleagh .
2 And let me say now that I have been impressed by certain of the arguments I have heard here .
3 Over the past few years I have read a great deal of specifically Christian literature in the field of economics and I have been impressed by one thing : while much has been said about the immorality of the modern corporation and the injustice of the structures of international trade and while a little has been said , especially in North America , about the role of government and the need for proper control of money and credit , very little has been written about trade unions .
4 Above all , I have been impressed by the immense generosity of my academic and museum colleagues , who have given unstintingly of their time and expertise for this catalogue ’ .
5 ‘ In recent years I have been impressed by the standard of speech training in various parts of the province and it was the same again in Ballyclare where a number of talented young people were on stage . ’
6 On a broader front , I have been impressed by the various initiatives which have been taken locally to manage costs .
7 I have been impressed by the variety of the protesting letters , almost without exception .
8 Like my colleagues in Newport , I have been dismayed by the checks for people over 75 : it is not just the collection of medical facts but the appreciation of the social and personal difficulties of elderly people .
9 In talking to women at grassroots level in this country , I have been alarmed by the number of women who have undergone caesarean sections .
10 On the rare occasions when I have met television journalists , I have been astonished by the hatred expressed for Adie , as well as by the vitriolic gossip about her , which subsequently proved to be entirely false .
11 I have been concerned by some leaks .
12 In studies of disability , I have been surprised by the number of sexually handicapped people in their fifties and beyond who have consoled themselves with the belief that they are , in any case , too old for sex to have much meaning .
13 ‘ In Nigeria I only knew of Guinness as the stout and Harp lager so I have been surprised by the diversity of the company , ’ reflects .
14 For years I have been excited by him , quoted him , relied on him .
15 I have been amazed by the amount of creative talent to be found in Darlington , ’ he said .
16 I have been amazed by the amount of creative talent to be found in Darlington , ’ he said .
17 I should also itemise claims which were made under two heads which have been satisfied by interim payment .
18 Occasionally hounds , which have been confused by the differing horn calls have been led onto the road , knocked over and killed .
19 This coincides with the views of some other feminist writers who have been impressed by this distinctively ‘ female ’ contribution to morality .
20 Although Wallinger makes quite a straightforward , if powerfully direct , rock noise there are many who have been impressed by his abilities as a natural communicator — especially at his live shows .
21 And this persists in the work of political scientists , sociologists and others who have been impressed by the approach .
22 I 've known people who have been upset by , you know ,
23 His emulation of ‘ loose semantic fit ’ does however puzzle many modern readers — those especially who have been sophisticated by modern literary practice .
24 Amongst those who have been appalled by the bolting is local activist Malcolm Baxter .
25 However we have been delighted by the response so far .
26 We have been impressed by the evidence we have received that this gave an inadequate account of the English language by treating it virtually as a branch of Latin , and constructing a rigid prescriptive code rather than a dynamic description of language in use .
27 we have been impressed by the degree to which the desire to help is inhibited in practice by a reluctance to intrude oneself into other people 's lives .
28 However , I do feel optimistic that our growing understanding of our diverse cultures and histories , which exposes the myths and stereotypes we have been force-fed by the British for too many generations , will forge an increasingly powerful alliance in our struggle against racism in this country .
29 For too long , we have been hidebound by fears borne of self-selected memories and infused by a false jingoism — a vision of Europe in which Britain sees itself surrounded solely by enemies and not friends .
30 We have been surprised by people wanting to go even higher , with most wanting to jump from band G — between £160,000 and £320,000 — to the highest band H , ’ said an East Hertfordshire council spokesman .
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