Example sentences of "[pron] have [pos pn] own [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 My friends tell me that I 've coped really well after my divorce — I have my own home , own car , own job and manage to keep my wonderful four-year-old son as happy as can be .
2 A close friend , who said he was too frightened to reveal his name , has told the drinks trade newspaper , the Morning Advertiser : ‘ My life could be in danger if I say too much but I have my own idea what the murder is all about .
3 I have my own clairvoyant .
4 I have my own way of doing things and have gathered lots of experience down the years in various jobs at various levels .
5 I have my own life to live .
6 But whatever happens , I have my own plan .
7 But I have my own reason for disagreeing with Kao Tzu .
8 I have my own car , thank you . ’
9 I have my own flat , a country dacha and a good job .
10 ‘ I am twenty-four , independent , I have my own flat , my own business , and I think I can take care of myself for a couple of weeks on a small , friendly Mediterranean island , thanks very much !
11 I have my own theory , of course , but there 's no need for me to add the title of " Lunatic " to that of " Murderer " is there ?
12 ‘ They seem more committed to the club than the county which is the way they want it but I have my own opinion on that , ’ said the highly respected Jones .
13 So he has control over what he wants to hear and I have my own mixer on stage .
14 You have your own journey to make , I have my own death to avoid .
15 I have my own steed to see to , also . ’
16 My weakness is costume jewellery — I have my own line — and anything for the hair : hats , headbands and scarves .
17 My weakness is costume jewellery — I have my own line
18 I have my own method here too .
19 I have my own ship , ’ said Tabitha .
20 Apart from the way that racial meanings are inferred rather than stated openly , these new forms are distinguished by the extent to which they identify race with the terms ‘ culture ’ and ‘ identity ’ , terms which have their own resonance in antiracist orthodoxy .
21 The regulatory system therefore seeks to cater for these divergent situations by tailoring the degree of regulation to the degree of investor protection required , having regard to such factors as the sophistication of the particular investor , whether transactions are executed on exchanges ( which have their own investor protection mechanisms ) , whether the particular transaction can lead to contingent liabilities and whether margin is taken in support of a transaction .
22 They show , for example , how the full range of local authority associations , together with such professional bodies as SOLACE or CIPFA , have been deeply involved in financial matters but that their involvement is less apparent in other policy areas such as fire , education , housing and transport which are marked by their own configuration of interests ( such as the Institute of Housing Managers ) all of which have their own style of central-local relations .
23 — Residents of Nunthorpe and Stainton and Thornton , which have their own parish councils , will have to pay £341.38 and £340.97 community charge respectively .
24 ( 5 ) Sales of certain capital assets such as ships and aircraft which have their own registration formalities .
25 Colombia continues to be democratic in every way , run by civilians , not generals , who have their own part to play .
26 There 's a farm manager and his wife , who have their own cottage , with attached living quarters for two men .
27 Then follow prayers for the dead by both priest , and people who have their own version , that the Mass may be " mede & medecyne " to them .
28 Another problem is that if you 're trying to deal with other manufacturers in the way that we do , where we have this extremely close relationship and they are very reliant on our forward forecasts of volume , they feel if you have your own manufacturing plant that you would always give preference to it in bad times and the other suppliers would be the people to suffer if sales declined .
29 Even if you have your own intelligence sources , such as an in-house research department , German Brief provides you with a knowledgeable and authoritative insight into the German business scene .
30 You have your own life before you ( rather as you said to me , Therese ) and you must make it for yourself .
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