Example sentences of "[pron] have [vb pp] [adv] of " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But come to think of it , I have gone out of my … ’
2 Therefore I do not see why tonight I might not occasionally , if the argument should lead that way , be guilty of saying in office some of the things which I have said out of office .
3 I have watched my most treasured possessions being sold to strangers , I have moved out of my home to accommodate you , my precious cousin . ’
4 So far in this chapter I have written mainly of adult clients .
5 I have run ahead of chronology however and in particular of the First World War , which the peoples that had entered it as parts of the Empire ended as free-standing independent nations .
6 I have run out of patience with her and myself .
7 I have run out of excuses for Granville Again .
8 I have warned before of the dangers of the celebrity publisher interview , and I 'm glad to seen that someone else was listening .
9 I have included it among the general books because Michael and Lise Wallach offer as total a critique as I have seen recently of the assumptions underlying most psychology .
10 The fairest statement that I have seen recently of the prospects of recovery was the one in the Greenwell Montagu Recovery Watch bulletin a few days ago .
11 From the comparison I have made above of features of her speech with those of JC and LE , it is apparent that in linguistic terms , she has hit her target some of the time , but not all of it .
12 .. I have changed out of the paternal democracy into a conservatism that believes in Caesar , Pope and the fierce God of Battles — almost . ’
13 So I have spoken instead of forms of knowledge , and allowed the various possible objects of knowledge to surface where they will .
14 says explaining why he had come to earth Jesus told the Roman governor Pontius Pilate , will thus I 've been born and for this purpose I have come out of the world that I should bear witness to the truth , but what particular truth was Jesus sent to earth to make no man , first just about his heavenly father , he taught his followers to pray that his father name be hallowed or hell holy and he prayed , I have made your name manifest to the man you gave me , also he said I must declare the good news with the kingdom of God , because for this I was sent forth , so what truths did Jesus come to er , to tell ?
15 I have talked only of my own concerns .
16 I have talked glibly of complexity , and of apparent design , as though it were obvious what these words mean .
17 ‘ In the last ten years or so we have developed a number of ancillary services , which have grown out of our core business .
18 In many societies , but more particularly in modern societies , there are numerous different centres of political thought and experience : educational institutions of various types ; party organizations ( including party schools and research institutes ) ; the mass media ; more or less official ‘ think tanks ’ ; the central offices of trade unions and employers ' associations ; international agencies ; and a considerable number of private associations devoted to political research and education , some of which have grown out of social movements and remain more or less closely connected with them .
19 The fact that there are parts of Britain which have clambered out of real poverty , and primitive housing , within the lifetime of my own generation they see as a hope and a challenge .
20 These social movements express new forms of social struggle , which have arisen out of the relative failure of other sectors of society to make significant changes and out of changing socio-economic conditions .
21 Changes of emphasis within art education , which have arisen out of a realization that the skills of response and appreciation do not necessarily result from the practice of art , have led to explorations into the nature of aesthetic experience , enquiries into its patterns of development and attempts to assess the skills and achievements possible within this area ( APU , 1983 ) .
22 Now there is a class of systems , so-called expert systems , which have come out of artificial intelligence research , which can do much more than that , are much more intelligent .
23 Dust invariably contains pathogens which have settled out of the atmosphere .
24 The surgery is a new base for five doctors who have moved out of the adjacent Netherton Health Centre .
25 Above all , I have been impressed by the immense generosity of my academic and museum colleagues , who have given unstintingly of their time and expertise for this catalogue ’ .
26 Other stars to make the list of celebrities who have fallen out of favour are Kim Basinger , Tom Cruise , Eddie Murphy and Michael Jackson .
27 Indeed , it is a concept that is generally blind to the very people who have done most of the work in such areas — agricultural workers .
28 It is not just a matter of the tens of thousands who have streamed out of the country in recent weeks , via Budapest , Prague and Warsaw .
29 Finally , an issue we became aware of — in England at least-because of the " dowry " system of funding was that a two tier system may be set up which benefits those people who have come out of hospital and ignores the others .
30 Would it not be more cost-effective to use auxiliary jet pilots who have come out of the service under ’ Options for Change ’ than to train women as fast jet pilots , however keen they may be ?
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