Example sentences of "[pron] have [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I have him on the phone and god she was .
2 While I have him by the lapels I head-butt him across the face , to give him something else to think about .
3 I have one in the bathroom for dirty washing , which doubles as a seat ; I have one in my bedroom for ironing and one in the other bedroom that holds all my sewing materials .
4 Well I have one in the morning
5 I have thee by the hands ,
6 Cos , at home you see er Dorothy and Trevor always read their stories in bed , and when I read their stories I have me on the arm chair two sitting on one chair arm
7 I have nothing but the highest admiration for the quality and devotion of the work they have put into the care of the plaintiff over the last six and a half years .
8 I have nothing against the Arabs …
9 I have nothing against the Arabs .
10 I have nothing against the monarchy , in principle , erm I think that perhaps if we had our own parliament in Scotland and had the Queen as a head of state , as do Australia , Canada , and all the commonwealth countries , that would be fine .
11 I have nothing against the article which prompted this letter , I just feel it is so out-of-date as far as fluids are concerned .
12 I have nothing against the Scouts , I 'm all in favour of them actually .
13 ‘ I can assure you I have it on the very best authority . ’
14 I have it in the other room . ’
15 I have it er , I have it in the taxi
16 I have it from the coroner himself .
17 well I have it I have it from the words of himself er
18 ‘ I 'm extremely sorry , Monsieur de Chavigny , but I have someone on the line who wants to speak to you personally .
19 And not until I have someone from the American embassy present . ’
20 I have none in the whole world to call my own .
21 When we are too old to force our limbs up the crags and are ready to regale our grandchildren with tales of derring-do it will be the epics which have them on the edge of their seats .
22 You have nothing but the silliest of complaints against him .
23 I know from personal experience that there is nothing more wearing and wearying than continually being knocked backwards and sideways just when you think you have something on the go .
24 In his line of business you do n't get to be forty unless you have something on the ball .
25 Imagine the very best episode of ‘ Hill Street Blues ’ inspired with the depth of ‘ King Lear ’ and you have something of the flavour of this wonderful film .
26 By the time our forbears were established tree-dwellers , the cerebral hemispheres had almost lost their original association with smell , and with the great expansion of the parts devoted to vision , hearing , touch and movement , you have something like the modern primate brain .
27 You have everything in the world that a man can want .
28 You have them in the style of how you physically did it .
29 If you want your holidays , you have them in the summer time and May Day is a workers ' day .
30 Even then you may have to use that extra bit of guile before you have one in the net .
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