Example sentences of "[pron] have [art] same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It sounds as if your engine may have glazed bores and too much crank case pressure if the cap is blowing off I suggest you have a compression check I do not know of an auxiliary tank for a Ninety Indeed , I have the same problem as yourself I 'm a newcomer to Land Rover and recently bought a 1975 Series III88 inch .
2 I have the same involvement in soccer as I do in your case , ’ he concluded .
3 I have the same word for each of you .
4 Readers of this column will have concluded I have the same hang-up about finding the perfect house .
5 I have the same new-worldliness of someone who emerges to sunlight after a long illness in a darkened room .
7 But Malcolm and I have the same idea on musical direction , ’ says Kofi , of Harrow , north London .
8 I have the same feelings and desires and thoughts . ’
9 I have the same questions .
10 I 'm not English , Irish nor French , but I have the same opinion as both Mr. Schwabb and Dr. O'Donohue .
11 Now both Stan and I have the same policy that erm we will write out It takes about ten minutes , or maybe a little bit longer with me , cos I 'm not as clever as Stan .
12 That 's if I have the same doctor of course .
13 I have the same standards as my mother .
14 I want to say to her : my needs are not small , I have the same needs as you , I have the same needs as everyone else !
15 I want to say to her : my needs are not small , I have the same needs as you , I have the same needs as everyone else !
16 I have the same trouble .
17 Homographs , or words which have the same spelling but very diverse meanings , must be identified .
18 Substances which have the same type of chemical formula and which crystallise with the same crystal lattice are said to be isomorphous .
19 The distribution of the whetstones which have the same petrology as the Group VI axes is not merely a reflection of the distribution of cemeteries as the type is absent in southern England .
20 The two numbers should not be compared because the first refers to words which have the same word boundaries , and the second refers to words in the same region .
21 Make lists of words which have the same stress pattern , keeping the lists as consistent as possible with regards to CV pattern and segmental length .
22 You will at least be able to group together those substitution items which have the same tone patterns , and that will give you material to practise .
23 In one place , the birds carefully deposit their eggs in clefts of black rocks which have the same property .
24 Any points which have the same X value must go into the same third .
25 Within the 4 quadrants , there are 2 angles which have the same cosine , 2 with the same sine and 2 with the same tangent .
26 Some success is now claimed for the ‘ magnetic ’ water treatment units which have the same effect on suspended matter .
27 Until now it has been assumed that social changes are determined by events which have the same status in the sense that they may all be conditions and consequences of each other .
28 As a quick reference guide to give you an indication of how many glasses of a lower alcohol product you can drink for every glass of a standard alcohol product below is a table which shows drinks which have the same alcohol content .
29 The result of the previous given check list was , for example , as follows : Put the words which have the same sound into established lists .
30 The double-voicedness of the novels examined in this chapter is thus itself double : not only are they illustrations of how the voice of an individual interacts with the anonymous collective voice of a discursive system , they also stage the confrontation between the language of fiction and that of the human sciences which have the same object but different methods .
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