Example sentences of "[pron] have [verb] [adv] about " in BNC.

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1 I have said enough about the long run already , where there will be no more Reykjavik and no more big glass and not even any more lovers .
2 I have written elsewhere about the evolutionary pressures which might generate a balance between inbreeding and outbreeding ( Bateson , 1983 ) .
3 I have written before about the controversy raised in Scotland over the National Trust for Scotland 's mountain properties and breaking the ‘ rules ’ set by its mountaineering benefactor Percy Unna , who wanted the hills kept natural .
4 We should take heart from the encouraging stories I have heard recently about the success some retailers have had in selling British cheeses to the French .
5 I have heard much about this . "
6 I have thought carefully about the effect of antibiotics and hormones in meat , and I would like to try the diet Leslie Kenton recommends .
7 I am , I fear , betraying the confidence which a banker ought to respect for his customers , but I have thought deeply about it and decided that I must .
8 But I have clammed up about L. Feel superstitious .
9 I have learnt enough about the Alexander Technique to realize that I have much more to learn , and that noticeable change can be a slow process , but I am more than happy with the benefits that I have received so far .
10 So , now , when I visit a bank , I have to think carefully about where I park .
11 While this is in a sense business between yourselves and your legal advisors , I wonder whether you have thought more about it ?
12 I hope your mind has been working in an expansive way and that you have thought more about your future .
13 First you have to think logically about your fears .
14 It may have unlimited funds or it may have very tight ones ; most fall somewhere in between so you have to think creatively about raising the additional finance to do the job properly .
15 What we have to say here about the plans which we studied , approximately half of all those produced , could be called elucidatory rather than evaluative .
16 They were stars of the hard left , but we have heard little about them during the election struggle .
17 We have learnt much about the possible pitfalls of a flexible approach .
18 We have found out about the business side from the people at the factory .
19 We have learned much about our own brains and vocal tracts , and those of our primate cousins .
20 In recent years we have learned much about the internal anatomy of cephalapsids and galeaspids which had a bony skeleton surrounding the brain and gills .
21 We have talked loosely about the original atmosphere of the Earth , and the way in which it affected and perhaps still affects life .
22 But they have said little about law 's part in the mosaic .
23 As a result , supervisors are not often in a position to make first-hand assessments of an officer 's skills in the field ; they have to learn indirectly about his work , his negotiating abilities , the demands he makes , and his integrity .
24 Since the revival of CND , many of them have thought twice about ever setting foot outside their bases .
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