Example sentences of "[pron] are [adj] [prep] it " in BNC.

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1 Following the Oxford Dictionary , which is here a more lucid guide than my more abstruse colleagues , we can say that a symbol signifies something other than or complementary to itself ; it can therefore be used to represent , express , or image things which are external to it but to which it is linked in an appropriate fashion .
2 The polymer exists initially in the solid state where it is restricted to only one of the many conformations which are available to it as a free isolated molecule .
3 We now come to the second part of our programme , according to our agenda , which has the broad heading , Achiev N C V O Achievements and Intentions , and it 's obviously a natural follow-on from the I er , A G M which we have just completed , at which council received the annual report of N C V O's work for the past year , and its use of the resources which are available to it to carry out that work .
4 Provided , therefore , that the House is careful to avoid mention of any determination of whether or not a particular privilege exists , and to confine itself to statements which are consistent with it 's merely having decided that a breach has occurred , it can make its will prevail ( Case of the Sheriff of Middlesex ( 1840 ) 11 A & E 273 ) .
5 Experimenters , who approach an experiment with a belief that their hypothesis will be borne out by the experiment , tend to make mistakes of interpretation that favour their hypothesis and tend to overlook interpretations which are unfavourable to it .
6 On the one hand , it can be seen as a discipline , indeed perhaps the oldest of all disciplines , with its own core of sometimes highly technical activities which are peculiar to it , and the normal organizational manifestations of departments , chairs , courses , degrees , and so on .
7 Like us , each creature responds selectively to cues from its environment , only tuning into those which are important to it .
8 As we did in the example before Now there 's a bit of erm recreational or diversional mathematics coming up which you do n't have to understand but for those of you who are keen on it , it 's there .
9 Having ideas is a pretty inscrutable process — rather well described in about 600 pages by Arthur Koestler in The Act of Creation — and is a very personal thing : different people who are good at it go about it in different ways .
10 Such a formulation would require those asking the questions to confront the real problems : the need to understand that the aspiration to the exercise of democratic right and the discharge of democratic responsibility must arise from those who would exercise the right and discharge the responsibility and is not to be thrust upon those who do not want it or induced in those who are indifferent to it ; the need for a form of organisation such that the interests of ownership and labour would be congruent ; and the need to recognise that since accountability , above all , is the test of authentic democracy , then by that same test there will be some circumstances in which the general case for industrial democracy is over-ridden .
11 Those who are involved with it want to move to larger premises .
12 The central characteristic of social action is that it has meaning for the people who are involved in it .
13 When you pray in a sexist way , those who are concerned about it notice .
14 And that the main problem is those councillors who are concerned about it , and
15 Freud 's psychoanalytic theory has been understood as being primarily about the individual , both by many of those most sympathetic to his work and by many who are hostile to it .
16 Will it reach those who are entitled to it and is it far less complex than the old system ?
17 While advocates of community policing express confidence in its ability to effect improvements ( Alderson 1979 , 1982 ; Scarman 1981 ) , research contradicts this by pointing to resistance from those constables who are responsible for it or to organizational constraints ( Fielding et al .
18 When seeking reassurance that a system is safe they study the people who are responsible for it .
19 Because the audience can take such an active part in still image work it is something which can easily be tackled in the classroom , which might be the best place for introducing it to a class who are unfamiliar with it .
20 Practise each one until you are familiar with it — and , if you can resist the temptation to turn the page too quickly , do this before you go on to the next chapter .
21 This whole process appears long-winded and complicated but once you are familiar with it you can employ the strategy very quickly .
22 How many of you are familiar with it ?
23 Even if you are new to it , you probably already have a range of ideas for language work which could perfectly well apply to video .
24 ‘ Your work is interesting , and I think you are good at it .
25 Now I can advise you in the office under the green form system if you are eligible for it because you you 've got no income coming in and your savings are below one thousand six hundred quid .
26 Movements often stop for long periods , but you may be asked to fill in a ‘ kick chart ’ if you are concerned about it .
27 I 'm sorry about the turning a blind eye I er I er Mr I really do feel that if you are passionate about it the one way to get rid of this debate is to vote for my motion .
28 And Tikhon 's own further move is n't right either : ‘ If you do not feel a need , and if you love nothing , it follows you are incapable of it . ’
29 Public schools have had hundreds of years to monopolize the best combinations of stripes , and T M Lewin & Sons will happily sell you anything you request by name — that you know what to ask for usually being deemed proof enough that you are entitled to it .
30 You know the truth : you are afraid of it , that is all .
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