Example sentences of "[pron] are [adv] some [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The team who gave us SOUTH PACIFIC , OKLAHOMA , CAROUSEL , THE SOUND OF MUSIC and THE KING AND I are just some from the legacy of the best and most popular shows of the post-war era .
2 This means building farms in higher areas where the wind is strongest , but which are unfortunately some of Britain 's best areas of countryside .
3 The difference between the West now and the West in the nineteenth century , is that now the largest part of the price for development is paid by the invisible people of the so-called Third World , rather than by the pauperised urban proletariat of mills , mines and factories , though there are still some of them about too .
4 There are still some of the old red ‘ K6 ’ telephone boxes left in Northamptonshire .
5 Old kitchen or office chairs — there are always some in secondhand and junk shops — look fine stripped and painted in a variety of colours , some red , some pink or purple , for example , or all white with perhaps a coloured strut or leg , or all black .
6 But they are also some of AT&T 's toughest rivals in telecoms services .
7 Unfortunately they are also some of the most delicate .
8 They are undoubtedly some of the very best , if not the best quality furnishing items on the market today .
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