Example sentences of "[pron] he [vb past] [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 After a few minutes , he went into the saloon and ordered a coffee which he drank standing at the bar .
2 That would be a matter of opinion ; he had a newspaper which he kept looking at , and shaking out .
3 Zola 's Le Ventre de Paris was one source of inspiration , and the theme of the fallen woman , which he kept coming across everywhere , another .
4 No , the problem which really preoccupied him , which he kept returning to from one direction after another , and one in which he never seemed to make headway , was how to use the information he had to bring the conflict between Copt and Moslem to an end .
5 But Fen seemed quite happy , relaxing over his coffee which he kept replenishing from the large pot he had ordered , exchanging remarks with the landlord which revealed that he was a regular customer here .
6 We began by talking politics , which he enjoyed doing with someone not out to convert him to socialism — then , as now , the established faith of most intellectuals — and , referring to A. L. Rowse 's fervent attempts , the first of many , to persuade him to join the Labour Party , he flung wide his arms and said : ‘ I refuse to be tied down to allegiances of this kind . ’
7 To add to the effect , there 's a scribbled line of stitches visible through his cropped hair — a result of headbutting the windscreen of his girlfriend 's car which he trashed driving into the back of a Lada .
8 And under the deepened dusk he felt the thoughts and desires of the race to which he belonged flitting like bats across the dark country bogs . ’
9 Gwyn Parry of Greasby , however , observed such an excursion when the motive power throughout comprised of a Collett 0–6–0 and Dukedog No 9028 , which he photographed departing from the Down passenger loop platform on the return working .
10 Lady Selvedge allowed herself to be led on to the platform and was introduced in a short speech by Mark , who found himself unable to think of very much to say about her , confused as he was by the talk of ‘ high principles ’ , cocktail parties , and her former husband 's misdeeds which he remembered having with Sophia and Penelope .
11 A long while ago I watched Tom Keating on TV painting a ship during which he discussed putting on a varnish and painting in the rigging through the varnish as the only means of getting a nice line .
12 Meanwhile , the doctor continued to be a friend whom he enjoyed meeting in the evenings .
13 When he he he evaded going to school , play truant .
14 ‘ Why jeopardize what he had going for him by getting greedy ?
15 Having consulted the therapists about the best type of activity to choose for the patient , you may be able to work out how best to interest and amuse the patient through your knowledge of what he enjoyed doing before his stroke or head injury .
16 The shrink asked Mitchum what he liked doing at parties .
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