Example sentences of "[pron] he [verb] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 He caught a glimpse of the fair hair and saw that she was talking to someone he recognised as the drummer from the band ; the whole group was there , giving an impromptu concert on tin whistles to the tired hikers sleeping on their rucksacks undaunted by the howl and shriek of the space-invader machines on the other side , a cacophony of mechanical rage that deafened him together with the thin notes of a rebel song .
2 Hayman had implicit trust in his hit-men , especially against someone he regarded as an old , rusty , washed-up veteran .
3 He looks first at purpose , which he takes as the basic means by which the subject abstracts itself from , and imposes itself upon , nature .
4 It is this which he takes as the key to an understanding of contemporary society , and of culture itself .
5 When he returns to the US he will start work on his first film script , which he describes as an allegorical tale about ELVIS PRESLEY actually being alive .
6 There will be no hasty purchases , as Tony is determined to keep a focus on the chain 's niche market , which he describes as the top end of the traditional ale market .
7 IN OUR SECOND disturbing dispatch [ Apocalypse Now — Now , page 110 ] , novelist Christopher Hope reports from suburban Johannesburg , which he describes as the wall-building capital of the world .
8 He believes that under these conditions of choice , which he describes as the original position , there is only one set of principles which can be rationally chosen to govern a society enjoying favourable social and economic conditions .
9 First is the excitement of the sense of calling ; second , the passionate and painful struggles in overcoming sin which bring him into a darkness which initially is without savour or delight ; third , the experience of light and comfort in the darkness which he describes as the work of Christ illuminating the soul " with schynynges " ( 27.98r. – 345 ) ; and fourth , the full light and bliss of heaven which this light in the darkness anticipates .
10 Gosse 's career was interrupted by the outbreak of war in 1914 , in which he served as a captain in the Royal Army Medical Corps .
11 After World War I ( in which he served as a captain in the Royal Army Medical Corps , stationed in Maidstone ) Freeman increasingly became involved in the eugenics movement , producing a lengthy work on the ills of society , Social Decay and Regeneration , in 1921 .
12 His move into intelligence came during the Second World War in which he served as a colonel and worked with Eisenhower 's Supreme Allied Headquarters .
13 He still has a 30-years-old Courtelle suit which he kept as a standby for the MBE investiture just in case something happened to his morning dress .
14 Not finding any , he brought back a group of modern realist pictures which he mounted as a selling exhibition , together with a loan show of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Russian pictures .
15 In a combative book , The Art of Cézanne , he expounded a theory of rhythm in art which he advanced as the key to Cézanne 's success .
16 In his Latin work Incendium Amoris ( The Fire of Love ) Rolle talks of it as kindling for the " fire which consumes everything which is dark " ( Prologue.4 ) , an element which he recognises as the final reality .
17 But logic , which he defines as the ‘ art of clear thinking ’ , can provide ‘ general precepts and rules , common to all branches of learning .
18 As this year 's BBC Reith Lecturer , it is precisely this lack of cultural cross-fertilisation ( and its origins ) which he expounds as the major obstacle to a fully united Europe .
19 Rice is a perfectionist when it comes to his art , which he practised as a child in Mississippi by catching bricks thrown at him by his brothers , sometimes four at a time .
20 Thereafter it appears that Haycock himself rather than his father was the main architect member of the firm , although , in partnership with his brother Robert , he continued to engage in building as well as architecture until c .1845 , after which he practised as an architect only .
21 Hayzen 's preferred position is the ‘ Pursue ’ segment , which he interprets as the situation where prices are kept keen through absorbing revenue price increases ( relative to output prices ) in increased productivity .
22 The concept of rationality , which he promotes as a feature of modernizing societies , is tied to the process of communicative action rather than to the subjective and individualistic premises of much modern philosophy and social theory .
23 For some time he struggles to explain this feeling , and eventually he realises that the taste is of course exactly the taste which he enjoyed as a small boy when his Aunt Léonie gave him a madeline dipped in an infusion .
24 We saw his glory , the glory which he received as the Father 's only Son .
25 William Graffunder , an expatriate German and the promoter of an organisation in Cardiff which he registered as the Amalgamated Seamen 's and Tradesmen 's Union of Great Britain and Ireland in September 1890 , likewise made no bones about its connection with the Shipping Federation in the supply of " free labour " , though he denied being its official .
26 He returned to public life in 1989 during the " velvet revolution " and was elected Speaker of the federal parliament in December 1989 , a post which he held until the June 1992 elections , which he contested as the leading candidate of the small Social Democratic Party in Slovakia [ see p. 38944 ] .
27 On four occasions ( 27 August , 19 September , 29 September , and 9 October ) he publicly declared his opposition to the second assembly 's draft , which he characterized as a barely modified version of the first .
28 A more integrated approach to the environment has also been preferred by Coates who during the 1970s , which he characterized as the Environmental Decade , edited a volume ( Coates , 1971 ) on Environmental Geomorphology , which was defined as :
29 The prince listened intently as British Korean war veteran Sam Mercer described the battle in which he fought as a 21-year-old private with the Gloucestershire Regiment in 1951 .
30 This plot gave expression to one of Asimov 's pet hates , ‘ pseudo-science ’ , which he saw as a threat to liberty .
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