Example sentences of "[pron] be [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Could I be of some assistance ?
2 Yes , Mrs Jones , we have a room booked for you on the thirtieth of July — can I be of any assistance to you ?
3 Why , if there was anything serious the matter with you , Martha , should n't I be in constant attendance upon you ? ’
4 Could she be of any assistance ?
5 ‘ And the Lord Henry Percy and his lady in especial greet your Grace , and pray you be of good cheer in this happy news , for that the price set upon these Scots prisoners , such as belong to the Lord Henry , shall be at your Grace 's disposal in the matter of the redeeming of their beloved kinsman , Sir Edmund Mortimer , out of his captivity in Wales .
6 Will you be in all day ?
7 Can we be of any assistance ?
8 Why might we , we be in big trouble if it 's a problem ?
9 Or it can be used to express requests for which one can assume willingness to comply : ( 209 ) ( She ) took me by the hand , and bidding me be of good cheer , set off with Gus in a coach , to pay a visit to those persons .
10 The Ayatollah Khomeini may have died , the demonstrations may have dwindled , the book which precipitated the whole bizarre nightmare may no longer be burned in scenes of spine-chilling ugliness , but let no-one be in any doubt : Iran still wants Salman Rushdie dead .
11 What harm could there be on this night of all nights , the dowager-duchess asked herself , in Joan de Warenne representing her who is in fact her half-sister ?
12 What possible justification could there be for such coldness ?
13 Later it was even specified that should there be for any reason no foreskin to sever , blood must still be made to flow for a rite to be effected and for the individual to enter the covenant .
14 What joy can there be in this kind of conduct ?
15 cos I mean how many hours driving will there be in this country , about eight ?
16 ( In practice the meshes need not be of constant size nor need they be of uniform shape . )
17 Second , once identified , can they be of any use in helping us solve real-life issues ?
18 How could it be of ethical significance that the word ‘ good ’ , considered just as a sound , is used in a certain way ?
19 When could it be of particular use to you do you think ?
20 Wo n't it be on this lot ?
21 Who could it be at this hour ?
22 ‘ Whoever can it be at this time of night ? ’ asked Elizabeth .
23 Whoever could it be at this time of night ?
24 What will it be for that clef ?
25 If the latter , can it be for any offence or only for a serious one , and is the offence in the problem sufficiently serious ?
26 Will it be through greater competition ?
27 Could it be worth this pain ?
28 Should n't it be round that side ?
29 Will he be at this meeting tonight ? ’
30 You will sit anxiously on an undersized chair at parents ' evening , asking a teacher whether the child 's reading is really up to scratch and should n't he be on Blue Book Three by now ?
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