Example sentences of "[pron] with [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Southerners are apt to fantasize on the phone , usually about someone with them at the time , often a work colleague .
2 You need someone with you for a while . ’
3 The naan bread was big ; we 'd both stuffed ourselves with it during the meal but it was still big .
4 He was paving the way to amusing himself with me in the future when Mme Chaillot was out of town .
5 They charged you a fortune and left you with nothing but a hopelessly constricting grid .
6 Then , ‘ I can not take you with me without the sorcerers ’ help , ’ he said .
7 It must have occurred to you that Dawn is probably very jealous — in particular of the fact that he took you with him to the zoo . ’
8 ‘ If you want me with you for a business meeting , ’ she protested huskily , ‘ you 're not acting in a very businesslike manner ! ’
9 ‘ Roger says he did n't see me with anyone in the kitchen earlier .
10 He fumbled for his skeleton keys and realised that he had not brought them with him from the car .
11 He turned to reach the two glasses of wine that stood on a bedside table ; he 'd brought them with him from the dinner table .
12 He thought he had them with him in the coach when going to the College , but did not see them again .
13 There are no fewer than eight sketchbooks concerned with the Demoiselles and although odd pages of these have been removed , Picasso kept them with him until the end of his life , guarding them jealously .
14 It 's better to take them with you in the car rather than consign them to the chilly furniture van .
15 The one with me on the front
16 Always bring something with you to a supervision : ideas which you have written down , an outline of an essay , a text you want to talk about , or a plan of action .
17 At the end of the last century when Impressionism was still a dirty word in England , and anyone who bought a Monet was considered as being more than half-way on the road to Bedlam , the Americans were taking to him with something of the enthusiasm which they were then displaying for the newly discovered chewing-gum .
18 The boy rolled over and came on to one knee in a single lunge , and hurling himself at the man , caught him round the thighs with both arms , and swept him with him through the opening .
19 Then she saw the woman 's arms reach out from the doorway and pull the man back to her , and take him with her into the shadows again .
20 If you were to come yourself Lily or the child 's Father I could not stand in your way whatever my feelings which are strong , but to hand over my Precious little one to a Young and Foreign girl who spoke his only language poorly that I could not do and send him with her on a dangerous voyage most frightening to him .
21 ‘ Because although we 'll try to outwit Balor , we might have him with us for a goodish while , ’ he said .
22 Without consulting her it began to move faster , inciting her lover to a rhythm which he responded to triumphantly , accelerating in time with their heartbeats , taking her with him towards the culmination she 'd been given a foretaste of , which paled in comparison to the flooding rapture which overtook her seconds before Penry gasped , stiffened , then crushed her in his arms as their breathing slowed in the shared diminuendo of the aftermath .
23 Roman grasped her arm , pulling her with him into the hotel .
24 ‘ The penthouse suite , ’ he announced and , inserting a key into the lock , opened the door and swept her with him into the spacious sitting-room .
25 They awoke in each other 's arms as usual , but when Damian made love to her there was an edge to it , an urgency that frazzled her , made her pleasure sharply intense , pain mingling with her cries as he took her with him into the dark , hot void they shared .
26 Her father was a high official and had taken her with him on a trip to London and she had returned with her hair in orange stripes .
27 He pulled her with him to a more secure place , but there was n't a chance of speaking even if she 'd had breath or invention .
28 He was breaking her on his wheel of fire , forcing her with him to a high-point of surrender , then casting her away as if her touch were a contamination .
29 'she begged me to take her with me in the end .
30 Little Gabriels , out of control most of the time and impossible to educate , but with a fund of kindness that led them to rescue and foster wounded animals and plague her with them in the home .
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