Example sentences of "[pron] you are [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 a wages payment for a notice period which you are not required to work .
2 With the conditional theory of knowledge , and the above explication of clauses 3 and 4 , you can be said to know that you are sitting reading because ( 3 ) in the nearest worlds in which you are not sitting reading you do not believe that you are , and ( 4 ) in the nearest worlds in which you are sitting reading you do believe that you are .
3 K ap is true because in the nearest worlds in which you are sitting reading you believe that you are sitting reading , and the nearest worlds in which you are not sitting reading are either worlds in which you are standing/kneeling/lying reading or worlds in which you are sitting knitting/watching TV , etc. , but not worlds in which you happen to be asleep dreaming that you are sitting reading .
4 After two more appearances , during which you are inconveniently looking the wrong way , you decide to go and look for the ghost .
5 If this is not your first name , then you may give the name by which you are normally called .
6 Once again , the Regional Arts Association will know the leading amateur companies in your area , and this should certainly help you in looking for the kind of group to which you are best suited .
7 You owe me something for the humiliation which you are about to put on me . ’
8 Make a list of the special words and phrases which are used , put them into sentences and weave them thoroughly into the do-it-yourself SAS mirror-practice with which you are still persevering faithfully and regularly every day .
9 What was intriguing was that after the gentleman in question had filled in his first , second and third name there was room on the form , if he felt so inclined , to tell us the ‘ forename or nickname by which you are popularly known ’ .
10 I 'd just like to I do n't think this is a strategic matter in the in in the terms which you are now defining it and indeed the issue of self containment , my understanding is only the universe is self contained .
11 Hopefully the new home which you are now considering as a prospective purchase will be suitable for your needs in every way , but it may well be that a need for some renovation or refurbishment is indicated from the surveyor 's report or that you will wish to make improvements or alterations of your own .
12 It is important to be honest with yourself so that you can learn to match yourself reasonably accurately with jobs for which you are genuinely suited .
13 When you have made an initial assessment of your strengths and weaknesses you will find it easier to recognize work for which you are genuinely suited .
14 You know you are not wasting your time because this is a job for which you are genuinely suited and which you would like .
15 REFUNDABLE DEPOSITS — on self catering holidays , which you are usually asked to leave with the reception of the apartments , to cover any possible breakages during your holiday .
16 This clock has several buttons on it which you can press to indicate the kind of activity in which you are currently engaged .
17 The only paper on your desk should be that on which you are currently working and material waiting to receive your attention for the first time .
18 Instead she said , ‘ David tells me you are also working in industry .
19 well I had it , but I have n't got it on me you are never gon na believe
20 This tells them you are not arguing — you are willing to compromise and come to an agreement .
21 ‘ I think that 's something you are really going to have to explain , Mr Sanders , ’ she said quizzically in a pained expression .
22 According to Mandeville , before he left for his fateful journey to London , Hopkins cleared out his entire chamber , the very one you are now using . ’
23 Instead of going through each copy to find a particular patter ( one you are always going to knit later ) , I decided to put a sticky label on the bottom right hand corner of the front cover with details of particular patterns .
24 I reckon the nuns beat her you are not to go out with boys !
25 May I take it you are n't going to argue about the sleeping arrangements tonight ? ’
26 If you slip on it you are not going to stop unless you have a lot of experience and practice using an ice pick . ’
27 ‘ OK , you may take it you are suitably reprimanded , ’ he drawled infuriatingly .
28 It is not difficult , as you will learn , to find readers ; it is dangerously easy to find disciples ; it is extremely hard to find anyone you are personally attached to who will care two hoots about your work . ’
29 A thorough self-assessment will help you get totally clear in your own mind what you are most suited for and what you actually want .
30 The future is that time when you 'll wish you 'd done what you are n't doing now .
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