Example sentences of "[pron] that would [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 It is getting steadily worse and is moving westward with the stream of refugees , who , having eaten their last stores and sold everything that would buy a morsel of bread , are wandering they know not whither .
2 By reversing his previous stand and meeting the Dalai Lama , Mr Bush was perhaps taking the steam out of a growing congressional effort to do something that would injure a lot more than China 's pride : the cancelling of China 's most-favoured-nation ( MFN ) trading status .
3 ‘ I mean , if you were to find out something that would make a lot of difference , in the cheating line , would you tell me ? ’
4 Well if you , all I was going to say is , if you 're going to get something like that , I mean we could buy something that would make a set .
5 WHEN Robert Napier bought four acres of Carntyne and added it to his Parkhead Forge , it was to create something that would become a cross between Hell and Armageddon for the thousands who worked there .
6 Even if he did not allow himself to betray his secret directly he might let slip something that would provide a clue .
7 Intended as well to improve the educational chances of children in the deprived inner cities , when first proposed they had the somewhat dubious appearance of being the outcome of a bright idea , one that would kill a variety of birds with the same stone : up with the inner cities ; , down with Local Authorities ; up with privatization ; down with education in the arts .
8 and you know how they say to you at times oh thanks ever so much , I 've never heard anybody that would cover a thing in quite so much detail , I mean you do n't want to sound like a machine that 's pumping out information
9 Erm that 's the one that , wanted respectability , acceptance amongst respectable citizens , very much and said that it would never print anything that would bring a blush to the cheek of a young
10 In any case , I did not linger long enough — as I was obliged to explain to his lordship shortly afterwards — to hear anything that would give a clue as to M. Dupont 's attitude to Mr Lewis 's remarks .
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