Example sentences of "[pron] that it [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Personally , I prefer to speak about learning together because I think it 's more friendly use , er , user friendly I think I understand it better and it reminds me that it 's connected with disciple-ship .
2 It has n't surprised me that it 's happened again .
3 There was another reason , of course , but he was not prepared to admit even to himself that it had played any part in his decision .
4 I can only assure you that it does help , sometimes .
5 While I will grant you that it beats filing for the Inland Revenue , it is a suitcase existence and no matter how glamorous the location of the meeting we very rarely see beyond the airport , the hotel and the stadium .
6 At the time of birth , however , an angel strikes its upper lip , so causing it to forget everything that it has seen and learned .
7 So — in the year in which we 've forced the text-centred discipline that is rock writing to incorporate everything that it has excluded for so long ( the relationship between the star 's body and the fan 's , the voice , the materiality of music ) — maybe it 's time to make criticism grapple with what undoes it , ‘ the uncritical ’ itself .
8 It was something that it had happened at all .
9 A number of explanations suggest themselves for this strange impulse towards self-effacement in men who loved power , besides the official one that it served to maintain the standing of the native authorities in the eyes of the people .
10 She could n't tell him that it had aroused her ; that the smarting of her breasts and belly and buttocks had combined to generate an absurd pleasure ; that the gentle scourging of her flesh had stimulated a tide of salaciousness ; that she was enjoying it .
11 Later in the day she was busy again when the Intelligence Officer informed her that it had become necessary for a UDR soldier and his family to move from their present house .
12 He found a rusty man-trap in a cupboard — an evil contraption of chains and springs and teeth — and assured her that it had taken the leg off more than one poacher in its day .
13 She said she had seen the programme and wondered if it had spoiled anything for me , but I was able to reassure her that it had improved my life .
14 How was it that it had taken him so long to see Parry 's daughter thus clearly ?
15 The council grew so tired of lorries cutting this corner short and hitting the casement of the listed building next to it that it had to build a specially high kerb .
16 But so many people , in many countries , are now working in it that it has entered a new phase .
17 Now all the others are telling it that it 's got to be the one to welcome the Ship . ’
18 I suppose it was considered such a terrible thing to say about anyone that it had become a totally taboo concept — even for your worst enemy .
19 I 'm very annoyed with myself that it 's got round
20 Quite apart from such specific minor functions , there are no practical restraints upon either House of Parliament seeking to busy itself with any task whatever that it cares to assume .
21 First he reminded us that it had taken him no time at all to find the Ardakkean thief — an off-world technician working in one of the phetam refining plants .
22 Saga informs us that it has written a letter of complaint to the Minister of Tourism for Cyprus , and that the hotel will not be in next year 's brochure .
23 The Chopinesque left-hand arpeggios , the repeated chords of Mozart and Beethoven , Strauss 's waltz rhythms , popular song accompaniments ( with bass on the downbeats , chords on the upbeats ) , and so on — all are already so familiar to us that it has seemed superfluous and pedantic to describe them .
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