Example sentences of "[pron] that do [not/n't] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Despite the improvement from IBM 's personal computer business , overall profits were weak in the company 's hardware operations : the gross profit margin on hardware sales for the first quarter was a dismal 29% , compared with 48% a year ago ( a decline of 19% has been bandied about , but that came from someone that does n't understand percentages — it 's a fall of 19 percentage points or 39.6% ) ; the overall gross margin was 39.5% in the first quarter , down from 50.8% a year ago ; IBM 's tax rate was 25% in the first quarter , below the 45% rate IBM had indicated earlier ; IBM told analysts to continue to expect the 45% rate for the rest of this year .
2 Kevin and I had a bit of a scuffle , but it was nothing that did n't happen all over the park and certainly nothing to warrant our marching orders .
3 Me that did n't know what to do I was n't gon na participate .
4 Yeah , I I just wondered because there are some of them that do n't have any relevance to national curriculum and I want
5 It 's a little like listening to those debates in parliament where parliament vote themselves extra salaries and I feel very uncomfortable in this process , I thought I might be coming here this morning to disagree with my own group , or those members of them that do n't agree with me , perhaps joined with the conservatives in opposing this motion , but I find in fact that everybody is saying oh let's put up the er , the heading , I feel very uncomfortable with this having spent six months in the budget review , criticising officers up hill and down dale every time that they exceeded their budget , having told them that either they balance their budget or that they came in next year with a budget with no more than a one and a half percent increase , or their successors would be doing it for us .
6 Maybe if I keep mum and keep my fingers crossed — what did my father always say when I could n't have something : ‘ Them that ask do n't get , them that do n't ask , do n't want . ’
7 In spite of your excellent state of preservation , Valerie Cass , I 'm afraid there 's something about you that does n't appeal to me .
8 ‘ It 's you that does n't understand , ’ she told him .
9 But remember it was your decision to buy it in the first place , nobody else 's , and if it 's you that 's wrong , or you that does n't suit the item , then you probably do n't have any entitlement to an exchange or a refund .
10 He asks , ‘ The bit of you that does n't believe me … why ? ’
11 It may not make you very popular with the queue behind you in the post office , but if it helps you that does not matter .
12 for those of you that did not see the match the situation looked kind of like this :
13 For those of you that did n't know , several scenes of the National College are actually displayed in Coronation Street , so now at least you 've got some useful information this week .
14 For those of you that do n't know The Marauders are the North East Pest Control team members .
15 For those of you that do n't know how to the C C Q
16 For those of you that do n't know can I remind you that in the last few years one million pounds of capital was spent on Moat Centre alone on the cost together the moment of running Moat Centre for Highfield 's youth is five hundred thousand a year .
17 There was absolutely no way of getting from Wandsworth to Wanley except by car , or none that did not involve at least four methods of public transport .
18 Oi is a spiritual purge on everything that does n't sound like the voice of the Mob with its back against the wall .
19 Anyway , he waffled on for a little while about everything that did n't matter and then … ’ she swallowed ‘ … then he got down to it and told me about everything that did . ’
20 I think I mean , it 's something , a pension mortgage is something that does n't crop up every day .
21 Yeah never mind So Adam said buy something that does n't break .
22 ‘ I can give you something that does n't cost a quarter of that . ’
23 The telephone companies may have ‘ purchased something that does n't exist ’ , according to John Kessler , a consultant in Newport , Rhode Island .
24 Where 's the reason in pursuing something that does n't exist ?
25 ‘ You better wear wellingtons and something that does n't matter . ’
26 Better lob something that does n't notice .
27 But I mean , a lot of people do n't glorify on the jobs they do , I mean Dinda she said you know , it 's awful being the one who 's getting all the all day long , kind of explained and help them with their problems , sympathise with , with something that does n't work she 'd much rather be outdoors than being a or looking after , but she said you know , it 's , it 's a secure job and these days I think well I 'm not I run my own car and they do n't really think that
28 But I 'm beginning to see that there is n't much point in trying to hold on to something that does n't belong to me .
29 You have something that does n't belong to you , and I want it . ’
30 ‘ So that 's how you spend your time , is it , ’ he grated , ‘ speculating with that fertile little imagination of yours on something that does n't concern you whatsoever ? ’
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