Example sentences of "[pron] that [vb mod] [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It had to be a safe name , innocuous , nothing that would draw attention to the past .
2 There was to be no self-dramatisation and nothing that would set Amnesty International apart from the very people that it was seeking to protect from the same potential threat .
3 Just glanced at them to make sure there was nothing — well , nothing that might cause offence , or trouble , ’ she finished lamely .
4 Involvement in partnership optimises human ability and resource , neglects nothing that could add value , produces a synergy of intellect and vigour .
5 All the rest of them that could play golf enjoyed it , because
6 So everything that would hold water was put on the stove and er he did and then it they took it out to the
7 Then , this method was effective , forcing ministers to watch over everything that might cause trouble and forcing officials to be punctilious about every major step they took .
8 Following an appeal by UN Secretary-General Perez de Cuellar for a cease-fire over civilian-populated areas , this was accepted by both sides and the secretary-general now sought to widen it into something that would give effect to the Security Council resolutions , call for an end to the fighting altogether .
9 Tests are being banned all over the US by the courts and legislatures , something that would make sense if they were as vicious and ineffectual as the press says they are .
10 When he came in the evening — it was by this time unthinkable that there should be an evening when he did not come — he might let slip something that would make sense of this new move .
11 The cordoned-off area , quite common in Russian hotels when special guests were being entertained and there-fore not something that would cause suspicion , was served by its own lift from the lobby .
12 You have knowledge of something that might bring danger ?
13 A subject trained with both A and B each followed by event X may come to perceive the distinctive features of A and B , something that might reduce generalization between them .
14 Claire saw his hands clench and thought , ‘ Oh , poor Frank , he 's trying to say something that will make Daddy cross . ’
15 Naturally God is displeased with the sin in our life , but he has the power to translate even sinful experiences into something that will bring glory to him .
16 ‘ perhaps , one day , one of you will attempt something that will merit inclusion in our Book .
17 As I told Heather — But wait : you should see something that will add piquancy to a bald recital of what few facts are known . ’
18 President Mitterrand of France ( and he 's not alone in this ) has been anxious that too swift a move to reunify the two Germanys could destabilise Gorbachev , something that could spell disaster not only for the West but for the balance of world power .
19 Tampons are something that only women use , but it 's something that must become part of our voc vocabulary if we 're to save lives .
20 It is not only a difficult job to attempt to integrate these but also one that might have opposition from users who would prefer to keep to a successful , if limited , system .
21 He persuaded the Board in 1970 to recognise that a new kind of qualification was now required , one that would give status to the more ‘ creative ’ approach to drama in schools .
22 Becoming a man in his father 's mould offers the boy an identity for the future , and one that will receive encouragement from family friends and relatives .
23 It 's one that should bring excitement back to heavyweight boxing . ’
24 SIR ANTHONY Hidden QC has omitted one place to lay the blame for the Clapham disaster — the law lords who decided in the ‘ Fares Fair ’ case that an ‘ economic ’ transport system was one that made a profit or broke even on fares charged , rather than one that could expect support from ratepayers or taxpayers .
25 Well quite a lot , we we went out with them for a meal last night erm we had an interpreter who who was the only one that could speak English but it was it was well worth the evening , it did a lot for relationships and I think that there should be more of this in football , that off the field people should get to know each other a lot better and we felt at the end of the evening that it had been well worthwhile .
26 This represented a great step forward in the services available from the co-operative and one that could have significance for advisory services in this country — particularly in remote areas .
27 ‘ I really just wanted to see somebody who had done some heinous crimes and find out if there was anything different about him that would throw light on demon possession , that type of thing , ’ he says .
28 In times of social upheaval we guard against anything that might make society fragment too precipitately and dangerously , and we try to take care that racist or intolerant literature is suppressed .
29 Anything that might alter investor sentiment , no matter how small , will have to be announced to the Stock Exchange , displayed to everyone simultaneously on the Exchange 's Topic screens .
30 But if we think of our target as anything that would improve survival chances , the argument still works .
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