Example sentences of "[pron] i be [adj] that " in BNC.

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1 Drivers and conductors had to wait three years , they had to be employed three years before they were accepted into the pension scheme but you know , believe me I 'm glad that I paid in for it .
2 It is the evil things that we shall be fighting against — brute force , bad faith , injustice , oppression and persecution — and against them I am certain that the right will prevail . ’
3 Erm so I I 'm confident that the job that 's there to be done , in Greater Manchester West , I will be able to do er to my satisfaction , hopefully to the party 's as well .
4 I think the I I 'm pleased that this is in the in B , because let 'em know how we feel about it .
5 in in my course of work , I have three grown up sons and I think an awful lot of what we 're talking about is in your own attitude to men , and generally the most difficult men to deal with , I find , are men who for whatever reason , are actually inadequate , a little bit sensitive to women being competent I I have no difficulty at all in dealing with that , but I I 'm aware that it seems significant to me that a lot of the younger women here are much more shall we say , sensitive to erm , what I perceive as being basically male chauvinism .
6 That it has not proved possible to squeeze our resources further in order to accomplish this is cause for regret , but it is an aim which I am confident that all of my successors will seek to achieve .
7 The most comforting assurance that I can give the hon. Gentleman , which I am sure that he will welcome , is that the results of the study will be made public .
8 In view of what my hon. Friend has said — with which I am sure that everyone in the House agrees — I hope that the Bill will have a speedy passage through the House .
9 After the war I vowed I would never wear a white tie again , and never have , I dislike it so much ; so , having been informed that most of those below the salt would be wearing black ties anyway , I put on my Kennedy tartan smoking jacket with green velvet facings which I had recently had made and of which I was sure that Sir Walter , who often wore a plaid , would have approved .
10 And it is with every confidence that I tell you I am sure that this young couple will have a very happy marriage , and I would ask you to join me in wishing them both a long , happy , and prosperous future together .
11 They have high inflation , I might add to you that it had a far far more damaging effect on poor old pensioners , like myself and I 'm a war pensioner as well , poor old pensioners t to be serious , old people and people of limited means who are affected far more by the cure , the other cure that the Labour party tried that that was high inflation , mind you I 'm sure that they tried it , I think it just happened .
12 Like you I am a member of the managing board for the D S O. Erm , and erm , like you I 'm sure that erm , you would like to repeat your words , that you said then about heralding this report and it 's successes and reminding the members and th of the public , and members of this county council the real benefits from maintaining erm , our D S O and from the erm the way in which it has been managed and the way in which the amalgamation is working there .
13 As far as I am aware , there was good feeling between the candidates during the election , and I was somewhat surprised to read in Susan Crosland 's splendid biography of her husband that Roy Hattersley had told him I was angry that he was standing , and that he must give me his support before the first ballot or I would have no interest in him .
14 They were prepared to compromise because they I 'm sure that you know you ca n't imagine them not being really but because they 're such erm they were outraged at this machine but they were prepared to give it a try but the way it was bulldozed through that once the machine was there there was no choice then and almost you know get going boys get more and more and more slate you know greed they felt the employer was being greedy at the expense of quality .
15 I 'm confident that the scheme wo n't cost anything like as much as the estimate , but I 'm , I 'm sure it 's right that it 's been , having having done some background work to see how many people might claim it I 'm confident that that we 've erred on the safe side here by a substantial amount , and that 's why I 'm sure it can be met from the overall budget .
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