Example sentences of "[pron] was not [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 Finally on this aspect of the matter , I was not persuaded that any of the defendants was unable to prevent the nuisance .
2 I was n't implying that you were , ’ said Robyn , flushing .
3 ‘ Even today I was n't presuming that I had been chosen . ’
4 I suppose I should have noticed that the sand was all trampled but I was n't to know that the sandpit was the personal stamping ground of a large bull reindeer .
5 is when I first raised my question on that with all those things at the back of my mind , I was n't finding that as we used to get it
6 Which was not to say that he intended to be a martyr tonight , if he could help it .
7 When she was n't explaining that she and the libbers were on the same side really , Mrs Travers took pains to point out that FAMILY had no quarrel with the poor or socially inadequate ; it was just that she wanted to pay tribute to the unsung millions of women ( and men ) who lived normal lives , did not swap roles , get divorces or abortions , become homeless or batter their children ( or their wives ) ; people who faced misfortune with re-sourcefulness and courage and without recourse to public funds .
8 She wished she was n't offended that he did n't rush to assure her that she was n't that bad a waitress .
9 She was n't to know that he 'd been posted to Berlin .
10 She was not to know that , once at sea , they would only be allowed on deck at certain times , like dogs let out to exercise .
11 Her will included legacies of twenty pounds each to her Frome cousins , Mary and Sarah , the daughters of her uncle John Titford ; she was not to know that Mary would die just two months before she did , though Sarah , as we shall see , survived for another five years , long enough to bless the generosity of her Surrey cousin .
12 She was not to know that Tina , sticking to her principles , had long ago slept with her cousin Jarvis .
13 But she was not to know that he had had this desire , and went into the house with head bent , feeling that she had been a failure .
14 It was n't Caspar that had been after the lambs .
15 It was n't said that there were cells that actually corresponded to those features , not but nonetheless the output from the system could be thought of as a feature detection system .
16 She gave a shaky laugh , wanting to add something to the effect that it was n't fear that drew people to Marc , but more like sheer charisma .
17 It was n't fighting that killed your father , Sarah .
18 Because it was n't considered that that the level of housing required could be accommodated in that area .
19 It was not disputed that the effect of Rule 4.90 between Mr Sawar and BCCI was to reduce his indebtedness to BCCI by the amount outstanding to his credit in the deposit account .
20 Before me it was not disputed that if the joint tenancy was severed , she and her husband thereafter were beneficially interested in the two properties in equal shares .
21 The evidence produced included a transcript in English of Price 's evidence before the City Court of Gôteborg ; and it was not disputed that this evidence was admissible under paragraph 12 of the Schedule 1 .
22 It was not disputed that such interference with business is tortious if any unlawful means are used . ’
23 It was not disputed that teachers ought to be aware of the relation between educational success and failure and the language children being to school , or that some teachers need to give a good deal of time to the study of reading .
24 There was however no detailed evidence of the employer 's turnover or size although it was not disputed that the profit under the contract amounted to $10.8 million .
25 LORD Justice Clerk Ross , delivering the opinion of the court , said that it was not disputed that there was sufficient evidence if the jury accepted it to establish that the appellant Low ( the first appellant ) was guilty of charge 3 , the murder charge , on the basis of his own actings .
26 It was not conceived that these made up , in present-day terms , a system for securing and guaranteeing quality .
27 It was not intended that the Villa would be used as a residence ( the east wing of the old mansion being retained as the family residence ) , but mainly for the exhibition of the fine collection of paintings and sculptures which the Duke had gathered together , including examples of Holbein ; Rembrandt : Leonardo da Vinci ; Titian ; Van Dyke and Rubens .
28 Making war in the twelfth century was rather like going on strike in the twentieth : it was a method of exerting economic and financial pressure on your opponent — it was not intended that it should end in his death .
29 It was not intended that colleges should have to resubmit or revise their current schemes at the point of transfer .
30 The truth of the matter was that in the absence of relevant reliable information any global sum had to be determined in a somewhat arbitrary way , but in any case it was not intended that everybody should be paid the full value of their claims .
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