Example sentences of "[pron] was from [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One was from erm from Baghdad to Barqu and the other one was from Barqu to Basrah because he was in the First World War , I think he was serving with the Middlesex Regiment and erm , I do n't know how he managed this , I never did understand .
2 I thought it was from generator to a pipe , couple of hand brakes in there .
3 It was widely rumoured that when the party leader , Klement Gottwald , died , in March 1953 , it was from grief at the death of Stalin a few weeks earlier .
4 The criticism hurt , but it was from encounters like this that Charles discovered what his position as Prince of Wales was all about .
5 It was from staff at the Princess Margaret Hospital .
6 Yardley bore all these setbacks with great dignity , afflicted as he was from time to time by a form of lumbago that almost certainly hastened his retirement .
7 He was from time to time ordered to raise money by leasing out assarts and waste lands , and by organizing and supervising sales of timber and underwood .
8 In any event , on this picture , he was from time to time spectacularly taken with a seizure of one kind or another . ’
9 He was from Mumbles on the Gower Peninsula and had retained his melodious Welsh accent .
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