Example sentences of "[pron] was in [noun prp] for " in BNC.

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1 I was in Scotland for twelve years and was once congratulating myself and my friends a the University of Edinburgh on being , as I thought , so cosmopolitan .
2 I was in Europe for those crucial years — the Mediterranean , the Balkans , and then of course the Polish Corridor , Berlin .
3 Given the date , it was then a question of working backwards and consulting an old diary ; and I found that during the period in question I was in India for Panorama .
4 I was in Sydney for a few weeks , and had an affair with a broad .
5 I was in Winchester for St Giles ’ Fair last month — ' he paused and shook his head ‘ — but ‘ t was a poor showing this year , half the town still needing to be rebuilt , and the other half with scarce two farthings to rub together .
6 I was in Texas for three weeks out of eight on Ballad of the Sad Café .
7 After I did the course for two weeks I went down to a place in Ashford and I was in Ashford for twelve weeks , came back to Chelmsford , did another two weeks and then I was released as what 's known as probationer constable , a probationer constable .
8 I 've just put my house on the market in York I 've chosen the if erm that 's that 's you know the whole taking the whole scene into consideration , but if I was in Bournemouth for instance and buying a house in York and I said I phone three or four estates agents and said , Look please send me information through the post .
9 She was in London for a Royal Gala ballet performance to helps an AIDS trust .
10 In September , a month after the RSPCA conference , she was in England for the publication of her new book .
11 She was in Wales for the second time that year .
12 The other sister was er in High Wycombe , and the other one was in er Well she was in Creith for a number of years , And then she moved south because she was n't musical and there was no chance of getting of headmistresship in Scotland if you had n't got music .
13 I AM a member of the Russian Convoy Club ( sometimes known as The Snowdrops , I believe , because of our white berets ) who was in Liverpool for the commemoration events .
14 FA chief Graham Kelly , who was in Spain for England 's friendly , will fly home today to deal with the crisis .
15 At the request of the army the Collective State Presidency again held an extraordinary session on May 7 which was attended by Marcovic and the Kadijevic but not by Tudjman , who was in London for talks with United Kingdom Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary Douglas Hurd .
16 The Chinese deputy premier Li Peng , who was in Moscow for the occasion , publicly agreed that an improvement in relations was desirable ; an agreement on educational exchanges and a trade pact followed later in the year .
17 Describing the report as " shamefully inadequate " the Social Democrat delegate and others walked out and declared that they would withdraw completely if Modrow ( who was in Bulgaria for a COMECON meeting — see p. 37202 ) did not present a satisfactory report at the next session on Jan. 15 .
18 He was in Trinidad for some time last year .
19 I inquired after my brother , Max , who had finally agreed a few months ago to work for Dad 's firm , and I established that he was in Paris for a few more days .
20 He was in Heymouth for another eight days and …
21 Ramsay MacDonald , while he was Prime Minister , spoke at the annual dinner , and Gandhi accepted an invitation while he was in England for the Round Table Conference in 1933 .
22 By early June he was in London for the translation from St Paul 's to Canterbury of the body of St Ælfheah .
23 He was in France for six weeks in August and September and then had another two or three weeks staying with friends in the North of England and Scotland .
24 He was in Cullbridge for the night , and he 'd see his lad in the morning .
25 He was in Peru for a fortnight with his tall , red-cheeked friend , a.k.a .
26 He was in Australia for two weeks .
27 On July 22 Baker met with President Mubarak of Egypt in Cairo and on July 23 he was in Syria for talks with President Hafez al-Assad , and in the Bekaa valley , Lebanon , for talks with Lebanese President Elias Hrawi .
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