Example sentences of "[pron] was [to-vb] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There was a hush-hush meeting with Eliot and I was to keep out of the way .
2 ‘ I would feel the same sense of pride and commitment as the other guys if I was to run out at Murrayfield with a Scottish shirt on .
3 God , to think how chuffed I was to get out of uniform .
4 The skies appeared to contain little that would have startled older astronomers , apart from a host of new observations by means of more powerful telescopes and measuring instruments ( both largely German developments ) and the use of the new technique of photography , as well as spectroscopic analysis , first applied to the light of the stars in 1861 , which was to turn out to be an enormously powerful tool of research .
5 ‘ I got round them by selling to them the fact that I was doing what they wanted me to do which was to get out into the business world and make contacts .
6 It was the prison , of course , which was to come out on top .
7 Great skill would have to be exercised , Lavender told herself , and great secrecy observed if she was to come out of this exploit alive .
8 And because she wanted to know more , she wanted to find out all there was to find out about this dark , ancient stronghold that her ancestors had known , at times she stole out from her bedchamber after nightfall and stood listening to the night rustlings and the soft settling of the old , old timbers ( and the footsteps ? did n't she still hear the footsteps every night ? ) and thought that if only she knew the right words , or if only she had the power , she could summon the enchantments and lay bare the secrets and understand this place .
9 It was not their only misinterpretation or a highly complex personality , but it was to turn out to be a very serious one as events were shortly to prove .
10 The Report was intended as a review , giving a complete survey ( according to its prospectus ) of Chemistry and its Allied Sciences ; it was to come out in the first half of the year following that reviewed ; and it would give a faithful and ‘ whenever necessary , a complete digest of each investigation ’ in chemistry , and its applications in pharmacy , arts and manufactures .
11 Old Florence had left as usual for East Gore to stay with Jim and Jean and ostensibly to clear her verandah room for Tina and the new baby , but really everyone knew it was to get out of the way before all the excitement .
12 You 've just been telling us all what a relief it was to get out of the city . ’
13 If he was to opt out of music , his next project could involve writing .
14 Although Laurie led the first day of the 1957 Open jointly with Eric Brown and Flory Van Donck , he was to finish out of the top twenty , Bobby Locke taking the last of his four Championship titles .
15 He was to set out with the three French patrols , drive the hundred-odd miles to the Gabes Gap and pass through it as quickly as possible to create confusion in the enemy rear areas .
16 If he was to find out from you , his own daughter , just what Thacker gets up to behind his back — ‘
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