Example sentences of "[pron] was [to-vb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Her auntie was in , but I was to go at any time for the telephone …
2 I was to starve for thirty-six hours beforehand , take a powerful laxative and drink plenty of clear fluids ‘ including alcohol if you wish ’ .
3 It was the first and last time I was to fly on one of its mercy missions .
4 I finished every day mostly at one o'clock and I was to start at half past five the next morning .
5 I was to work for smelly Perkins for a whole week .
6 Legislative power was vested in a 50-member High Council of the Republic for an 11-month period of transitional government which was to culminate in contested elections in March 1991 .
7 Robert had been called up in the First Militia , as it was named , the beginning of National Service which was to continue until some years after the war ended .
8 So began in 1950 the first season of the Great Casterton Training School , which was to continue until 1958 .
9 A pro-Nasserite revolution occurred in the Yemen in September 1962 , which was to lead to Egyptian-backed rebellions in the Aden Protectorates and later in Aden itself .
10 Ungar 's experiments were done before other research — which was to lead in due course to the opening up of a major new branch of neuropharmacology and to the making of some very distinguished scientific reputations — had revealed how important many peptides were in the brain .
11 There is no doubt that this map was a landmark in the improvement of the outline of Scotland , which was to last for twenty years .
12 Fredegar records the death of Guntram , apparently in 592 , and Childebert 's succession to the kingdom of Burgundy , thus uniting it to the east Frankish realm , and establishing a political axis which was to last until 613 .
13 A vicious colonial war then broke out which was to last until 1954 , with increasing costs to the French in lives and money .
14 This was the beginning of a family association with the School which was to last until 1942 , when his son , who succeeded him in 1898 , retired .
15 Not only did diplomatic services grow slowly in size : there was also none of the inflation of titles and wholesale upgrading of missions which was to develop after 1918 and still more after 1945 .
16 Thus , he set up his own windsurfing and surfing business at Whitesands which was to run for 2 years .
17 Zinoviev , presiding over the Congress , blurred these differences and declared that just as the Russian Communist party was assisting the Chinese communists , so the French and Dutch parties should take care of Indonesia and Indo-China ; a curiously neo-colonialist policy which was to persist for several years .
18 In Cornwall , which was to grow into one of Methodism 's early strongholds , the teachings of John Wesley were absorbed only through a haze of superstitious beliefs and practices .
19 Several weapons systems received an increased budget allocation , however , including research spending on the Strategic Defence Initiative ( SDI ) which was to increase by 22 per cent to $4,650 million , almost all of which would be used to investigate the possible deployment of small , space-based missile interceptors known as " Brilliant Pebbles " .
20 They formed the basis of the LM method which was to follow after another five years painstaking work .
21 What was destined to be the last series of operations of the desert war was another of Stirling 's grand concepts , intended to tie in with Montgomery 's attack on Tripoli and beyond into Tunisia which was to start on 15 January 1943 .
22 A degree of standardization was , however , attempted with the sample , which was to consist of those cases ( whether new referrals or existing cases ) for whom an assessment was made for one or other of three specific types of service provision : residential care ( ‘ Part 4 ’ in Scotland ) , respite or short stay care , and day care .
23 The LEA grant-aid for courses of only £45 left the district with a substantial deficit , a position which was to recur in later years up to 1940 when the LEA approved a block grant for the WEA to meet anticipated deficits on courses .
24 They lost touch for some time with Flora , their first presiding deity , but even she was to reappear in another context , another life .
25 She was to leave behind three of the youngest children , the last a ‘ sickly babe ’ born less than six months before their departure ; they were to take with them only their eldest son , John Henry , who was by then seven years old , and Mrs Gould 's nephew , Henry Coxen , whom the couple had taken on when his father died in 1825 .
26 Well , she was to dance for another twenty years .
27 It was a skill she needed to master if she was to drop into occupied France .
28 ( She was to marry on 3rd February 1819 Mark Mayson of Keswick , and became the mother of W. H. Mayson of Manchester ) .
29 Between the study and the library was the small spiral staircase which led directly to the Emperor 's apartments , a staircase she was to climb on 3 September 1870 , clutching in her hand the telegram announcing the capitulation at Sedan and crying out in grief at the horror of it .
30 Her journey had already been fixed , as she was to travel with two of their Salzburg friends .
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