Example sentences of "[pron] was [vb pp] from [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Calthrop , which was built from original plans , is now largely sidelined because of a smoke box ‘ riddled ’ with corrosion … although she was demonstration-steamed this summer as a static display , amazing Mr Blackhurst when she signalled 40lbs per square even in her tired state .
2 The new movement worked vigorously to redefine the domain of sexuality-developing concepts of identity and sexual difference , even a vocabulary of satisfaction and pleasure , which was differentiated from social purity .
3 ( Bile reflux was usually identified by a particular taste in the patients mouth , which was recognised from previous bile vomiting . )
4 The eighties is the end of that era , with the Labour Party hoist on its own identification with a housing form which was borrowed from ideological sources which were never formulated by and for the working class itself .
5 A week later I transferred an Emperor Peckoltia ( which I have had over a year ) and added a new Emperor Peckoltia which was purchased from Wholesale Tropicals of Bethnal Green .
6 In December nineteen eighty seven she was transferred from intensive care to a main ward , but it was not until February nineteen eighty eight that she fully emerged from coma .
7 Behind , and on two sides , she was protected from cold and poison gas by the leaves of a high screen decorated with scraps by a hand long since dead .
8 As this is being written ( in 1985 ) , the publicity given to the case of Jasmine Beckford , who died after she was returned from public care to her parents ' care , will ensure that social workers will once again be reminded of the need to respond to the apparently contradictory demands of society both to intervene effectively and to respect family autonomy .
9 Choi Ho Joong , who was moved from Foreign Minister to Unification Minister in charge of that dialogue , had been one of the architects of South Korea 's recent successes in establishing ties with many of the former communist allies of North Korea .
10 In athletics , there is a more even spread of influential figures , with political martyr Thommie Smith , who was banned from international competition after his Black Power stand at the Mexico Olympics , influencing the hopes of a great many black kids .
11 The publisher who was removed from Random House in a boardroom coup .
12 Analysis of this unique vessel suggests it was made from local Nigerian copper .
13 It was saved from total extinction by two developments .
14 It was gleaned from local inhabitants .
15 The hawthorn is the oldest of the hedgerow trees , for it gets its name from the Old English word haga , ‘ a hedge ’ or ‘ an enclosure ’ , and it was used from Saxon times onwards to make impenetrable fences — the hedge-thorn .
16 Then I remembered Stephen Roskill telling me not to believe a word Mountbatten said or claimed unless it was corroborated from other sources .
17 It was fashioned from dark green plastic , wafer thin , yet of considerable weight .
18 Wherever jade was used in early times it was derived from alluvial sources .
19 In both , defendants say they were tortured in detention ; one says he was kidnapped from neighbouring Uganda .
20 The Protectorate , however , led to a change in the official attitude towards him , and by 1656 he was ousted from public activities , being excluded even from Oliver Cromwell 's second Parliament , though elected for Hertfordshire .
21 Although he broke his collar bone and fractured his skull , he was saved from fatal injuries because his body was limp and simply bounced when it hit the tarmac .
22 He was rescued from breathtaking rent rises by Cornelissen , from where he continues to supply artists and calligraphers .
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