Example sentences of "[pron] was [adv] come [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I mean , pardon me , it 's not my habit , you understand , to pick up on other people 's phone conversations , I was just coming down the stairs here , I could n't — ‘
2 Anderton said yesterday : ‘ I was just coming into some form when I had to have my operation .
3 I was just coming to that .
4 I refer to IJ 's review of the Tilson Thomas recording of Tchaikovsky 's Swan Lake , in which he confirms the conclusion I was rapidly coming to — namely that the definitive version has not yet hatched !
5 I dimly understood that by holding out to me this realm of material essences , available by an act of will alone , The Fat Controller was condemning me to a cosmos of brand names , a metaphysic of motifs , a logic of logos , and an epistemology based on EPOS ( The Electronic Point of Sale method of inventory-keeping , which was just coming into use at this time among major retailers ) .
6 The Black Prince was to march from Bordeaux into the north-central areas of the country ; Henry , duke of Lancaster , planned to attack from Normandy ; while Edward III himself was also to come from the north .
7 She was fast coming to the conclusion that it would be impossible to be neutral about Matthew Preston .
8 She was fast coming to terms with the fact that there were two sides to this man .
9 She was now coming to the end of her second year , and only yesterday had been transferred from Bassett , the male surgical ward .
10 And , although she was rapidly coming to the conclusion that she had made a fool of herself all down the line , she still did n't quite know how .
11 ‘ The man who can win the allegiance of the Teddy Boys ’ , remarked Mr Andrew Fountaine who was later to come to prominence within the leadership of the National Front , ‘ can rule this country . ’
12 My other sister , who was just coming into her teens , Showed very little interest in her big brother 's ‘ crazy ’ owl , but kept her distance , rather like a rabbit , I thought .
13 The first suggestion that something was wrong came from the silence .
14 The first inkling that something was amiss came on Wednesday , when Linfield were requested by UEFA to organise flights for Tbilisi officials to Geneva .
15 The first inkling that something was amiss came on Wednesday , when Linfield were requested by UEFA to organise flights for Tbilisi officials to Geneva .
16 Thus , the JanSport backpacks which were once Lo Life standard issue are now widely derided , as Moet and his friends turn to more sophisticated techniques : ‘ The way me and my friends do it now is to wear a suit and tie like we was just comin' from work , and carry a travel bag to carry another suit .
17 The conversation ended the official programme of the Leeds Congress , but there was more to come for a party of about forty participants , including the President and Professor Kerney and his wife , for whom an excursion into Wensleydale by train and horse drawn wagonettes had been organised .
18 If the pressure was on McSharry from the accountants concerned about ever increasing costs , it was also coming from the environmentalists who were objecting to taxpayers funding intensive farming which they believed was damaging the environment .
19 Also big trousers with big tops — it was all coming to an end , but it was still OK to wear them .
20 What had this Richard Blake said , well , she got the impression that he was counting on coming to a series of Transatlantic insurance conferences in the spring , and he was either coming to Montreal first , or to New York , she could n't remember which order it was , search me , said Louise , she had n't thought it mattered all that much .
21 For he halted only to slam the door fast behind him , then , having imprisoned her in her room , he was again coming after her .
22 At the second last fence Crisp was still ten lengths to the good but he was clearly coming to the end of his tether .
23 In Das Rheingold , finished in 1854 , and , up to a point , in Die Walküre , begun in the same year , Wagner came as near as he was ever to come to giving his theories practical effect .
24 He was obviously coming into form .
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