Example sentences of "[pron] was [adv] for [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 He says : ‘ I 'm not motivated by money , otherwise I would have quit after I 'd made my first eight million dollars , which was enough for me .
2 She was all for it , believe it or not .
3 The great thing about Angie was that she was always for him .
4 Everyone believed in liberalism but no one was actually for it — such was the view of one ‘ lively socialist ’ after the election of 1929 .
5 There was n't much space along here , and he could no longer rely on people taking one look and then getting out of his way because there was nowhere for them to go .
6 They had not been asked to sit down and indeed there was nowhere for them to do so .
7 There was nowhere for him to put his feet .
8 By the time they returned to the table for the Christmas pudding John Harbour had moved and there was nowhere for her to sit except beside O'Hara .
9 There was nowhere for us to put our belongings .
10 It would not go anywhere ; there was nowhere for it to go .
11 In a secondary sort of way she knew that , beyond the opportunity to please and placate Maman , there was more for her to give if she should eat the horrible spinach .
12 It was there for them as it had always been .
13 It had appeared , it would move on , but for this moment it was there for her — almost as if it had waited for her to be alone .
14 Thus , if he needed that status structure it was there for him .
15 It was indeed for me , in the words of St John of the Cross , the dark night of the soul .
16 It left her free to be moved by the whole range of feeling , which was fragmented by personal action : the enmeshed lovers , the pleasure of the children , the beauty of her daughter , the fondling of the gentle night air , the great sky deepening gradually but surely , as it was being veiled in film on film of darker blues and velvets , it was all for her .
17 It was enough for me , the last straw .
18 ‘ Well , it was enough for me .
19 Later , later , she would tell him — of the embassy , Papa and J.D. — but for the moment it was enough for her to be the wounded girl whom he had healed .
20 that he was here for us to receive .
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