Example sentences of "[pron] was [art] [noun] i " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If I was a Romany I 'd have ended up fighting Nahum , ’ said Seb , trying not to allow the emotion he felt to show .
2 I was nourished on stories like these ; William Wallace , slaying half a dozen English soldiers with his fishing rod ; Bruce , before Bannockburn , felling an English knight with one stroke from his slender battle-axe ; and when I was a boy I contracted a mortal dread of dying in bed .
3 ‘ Ever since I was a boy I have dreamed of playing at St Andrews in God 's country . ’
4 When I was a boy I belonged to a small Christian sect that was my whole world .
5 ‘ When I was a boy I knew your part of the country very well , ’ he said .
6 He said , ‘ When I was a kid I saw that film , and I wanked for days on end .
7 When I was a kid I loved the seashore for its mix of beautiful , subtle colours and strong smells .
8 When I was a kid I was in a house that got stuck . ’
9 When I was a kid I used to practise stalking up the stairs .
10 I mean , when I , when I was a kid I got , erm , I was given an Australian doll baby , and which was funny cos it had an amazing sun tan and dark blue eyes and blonde hair , like typical Ozzie child .
11 Once having framed the thought in my mind that I was a lesbian I found myself unable to keep silent about it .
12 She said : ‘ Because I was a midwife I knew what was happening in my body so I was able to rationalise it , but it was still a shock . ’
13 She said : ‘ Because I was a midwife I knew what was happening in my body so I was able to rationalise it , but it was still a shock .
14 When I was a child I believed my father when he said he would live to be a hundred .
15 " When I was a child I used to imagine the moor belonged to me , that I was a young prince or the heir to an estate or something .
16 Even when I was a child I was entranced by her .
17 When I was a child I could remember gatherings of two or three hundred people , but there were less than a hundred out on the dry grass .
18 ‘ 'When I was a child I spake as a child , I understood as a child , I thought as a child , but when I became a man , I put away childish things .
19 When I was a child I once went round the house tearing all the stickers off ; I was belted and sent to my room for two days .
20 Then he looked at the old eagle again and shaking his head said , ‘ During the last war when I was a prisoner I knew men who were nearer to death than this and yet by some force of will or perhaps some power greater than us they survived .
21 ‘ When I was a girl I wanted to be an actress .
22 When I was a girl I discovered sex !
23 ‘ Are you saying if I was a Catholic I could n't suit myself ?
24 When I was a teenager I was in the middle of a techno revolution , listening to Japanese avant-garde , techno and new rave bands .
25 When I was a doctor I never killed a single patient , which is more of a boast than you might imagine .
26 ‘ Put it this way , if I was a woman I would like to bear his children , ’ said Depressed Milkman supremo Ged Backland , who has stayed on the right side of the copyright laws by using a pencil drawing of the Bettabuys boss .
27 ‘ If I was a horse I 'd be called ‘ over the top ’ .
28 ‘ If I was a toff I 'd have a watch , ’ said Sadie glancing at a wrist that needed no additions .
29 When I was a bairn I loathed and feared these dogs , and as my parents often liked to get rid of me I used to stay for short holidays with both uncles , and so I saw more of the dogs than I liked .
30 I mean and when I was a spooler I , I really enjoyed it because I had job satisfaction at the spooling ,
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