Example sentences of "[pron] was [noun sg] [prep] her " in BNC.

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1 Her decision to decline the Home Office job — which was promotion from her previous junior role at the Health Department — surprised her colleagues at Westminster .
2 She was fishing in her reticule as she spoke , and from it she produced a handkerchief tied in a loose bundle .
3 That , it occurred to her , was something she was doing of her own choice .
4 Instead of fire there was ice in her veins .
5 There was doubt in her voice .
6 Carrie 's hand dropped away from his arm and there was relief in her voice when she said , ‘ I saw you leaving and was worried about you . ’
7 She had black hair and great stormy black eyes , and there was gold at her ears and round her neck .
8 There was triumph in her voice .
9 There was indignation in her voice , but he just smiled and bent to kiss her lips , unperturbed .
10 There was dismay on her face , now .
11 There was loathing in her voice , loathing restrained by laziness and boredom .
12 She was still breathless and there was air in her words .
13 Fand looked different to Ruth ; there was life in her face , as if Fincara 's spells had lost some of their hold .
14 There was moisture around her optic .
15 There were still tears in her eyes , but for the first time that weekend there was colour in her cheeks as well .
16 Her carriage was graceful , her movements quick and deft ; there was animation in her face and a slight catch in her voice that hinted at suppressed laughter .
17 There was disbelief in her voice , and the smile faded , leaving his face once again cold and remote .
18 Almost immediately there was trouble with her fellow-travellers on account of her ‘ great weeping and boisterous sobbing ’ , and her continual exhortations to the good life , which she would not cease from even at meals .
19 The woman turned and looked at the speaker , and there was scorn in her expression , but she said nothing until she turned on Agnes again and said , ‘ How bad is he , lass ? ’
20 She looked as if she was still asleep … but there was blood on her breast .
21 There was blood on her face and she was shaking like a leaf .
22 Two of the leading members of the cast confirmed that — far from being glad to see the back of Kylie as some reports had suggested — there was sadness over her departure .
23 Her face was pale and her voice was as cool as ever , but there was sincerity in her eyes , and Sophie drew a long breath and put out her hand .
24 There was contempt in her tone , Carrie saw Frederick 's neck redden .
25 There was sunshine on her face , an unusual sensation in March , and she felt light-hearted now that the snake and its co-operative victim had withdrawn .
26 There was strain in her voice plain to hear .
27 He tasted foul , and there was fire in her ruptured belly .
28 There was salt on her lips and in her hair , and a fine white film covered her limbs , stiffening the skin .
29 There was desperation in her voice .
30 There was bitterness in her mother 's voice now .
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